Case class
The main object
Represents a Human Trafficking Case
Follows the Human Trafficking Case Data Standard (v0.2)
The Human Trafficking Case Data Standard (HTCDS) is a global format and common approach to collecting and recording case data related to human trafficking. The standard will enable organizations around the world to collect and potentially share information related to human trafficking cases in a consistent way.
The HTCDS is intended to be a reference for organizations handling cases related to human trafficking, technology service providers and independent software vendors (ISVs).
Case({String? caseOwner, String? status, String? referringOrganisation, String? incomingReferralDate, String? referringPrimaryCaseWorker, String? reasonForIncomingReferral, String? incomingReferralDetails, String? referredOrganisation, String? referredPrimaryCaseWorker, String? reasonForOutgoingReferral, String? outgoingReferralDate, String? outgoingReferralDetails, String? reasonForCaseClosure, List<
Person> ? persons}) - Constructor
- caseOwner ↔ String?
Case Owner
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- incomingReferralDate ↔ String?
Incoming Referral Date
getter/setter pair
- incomingReferralDetails ↔ String?
Incoming Referral Details
getter/setter pair
- outgoingReferralDate ↔ String?
Outgoing Referral Date
getter/setter pair
- outgoingReferralDetails ↔ String?
Outgoing Referral Details
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Person> ? -
List of persons associated with this case
getter/setter pair
- reasonForCaseClosure ↔ String?
Reason for Case Closure
getter/setter pair
- reasonForIncomingReferral ↔ String?
Reason for Incoming Referral
getter/setter pair
- reasonForOutgoingReferral ↔ String?
Reason for Outgoing Referral
getter/setter pair
- referredOrganisation ↔ String?
Referred Organisation
getter/setter pair
- referredPrimaryCaseWorker ↔ String?
Referred Primary Case Worker
getter/setter pair
- referringOrganisation ↔ String?
Referring Organisation
getter/setter pair
- referringPrimaryCaseWorker ↔ String?
Referring Primary Case Worker
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- status ↔ String?
getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> - Converts object json format defined by HTCDS (v0.2)
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.