lengthOfRayUntilIntersect static method

double lengthOfRayUntilIntersect(
  1. double theta,
  2. Line line


static double lengthOfRayUntilIntersect(double theta, Line line) {
  /// theta  -- angle of ray starting at (0, 0)
  /// m, b   -- slope and intercept of line
  /// x1, y1 -- coordinates of intersection
  /// len    -- length of ray until it intersects with line
  /// b + m * x1        = y1
  /// len              >= 0
  /// len * cos(theta)  = x1
  /// len * sin(theta)  = y1
  /// b + m * (len * cos(theta)) = len * sin(theta)
  /// b = len * sin(hrad) - m * len * cos(theta)
  /// b = len * (sin(hrad) - m * cos(hrad))
  /// len = b / (sin(hrad) - m * cos(hrad))
  return line.intercept / (math.sin(theta) - line.slope * math.cos(theta));