HoverResponsiveGrid constructor

  1. required List<Widget> children,
  2. int columnsPerRow = 3,
  3. int columnsPerRowOnTablets = 2,
  4. int columnsPerRowOnPhones = 1,
  5. int breakpointForPhones = 575,
  6. int breakpointForTablets = 768,
  7. double childAspectRatio = 1,
  8. double horizontalPadding = 24,
  9. double verticalPadding = 24,
  10. Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge,
  11. double crossAxisSpacing = 0,

Displays a grid of widgets with columns are equal in width.

The number of columns rendered is determined by the width of the device.


  required this.children,
  this.columnsPerRow = 3,
  this.columnsPerRowOnTablets = 2,
  this.columnsPerRowOnPhones = 1,
  this.breakpointForPhones = 575,
  this.breakpointForTablets = 768,
  this.childAspectRatio = 1,
  this.horizontalPadding = 24,
  this.verticalPadding = 24,
  this.clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge,
  this.crossAxisSpacing = 0,
}) : assert(columnsPerRow > 0 && breakpointForTablets > breakpointForPhones);