widgets/dialogs library


showActionSheet(BuildContext context, List<String> items, {PickerItemSelected? itemSelected, bool useLight = true, Color textColor = Colors.black, String? title, String? message}) → void
showConfirm(BuildContext context, String message, Function onAccept, {Function? onCancel}) → void
show confirm dialog
showConfirmation<T>(BuildContext context, String message, Function onAccept, {Function? onCancel, bool useLight = true}) Future<T?>
show confirm dialog with result
showDatePicker(BuildContext context, {bool useLight = true, Color textColor = Colors.black, DateTimePickerSelected? onDone, DateTime? initialDate, String? title}) → void
show date picket dialog with cupertino style
showMessage(BuildContext context, String message, {bool useLight = true, void onOk()?}) → void
show message dialog
showPicker(BuildContext context, List<String> items, {PickerItemSelected? itemSelected, PickerItemSelected? onDone, bool useLight = true, Color textColor = Colors.black, int? startIndex, String? title}) → void
show picker dialog with List of string items
showTimePicker(BuildContext context, {bool useLight = true, Color textColor = Colors.black, DateTimePickerSelected? onDone, DateTime? initialTime, String? title}) → void
show time picket dialog with cupertino style


DateTimePickerSelected = void Function(DateTime)
PickerItemSelected = void Function(int index)