shouldGuard method

bool shouldGuard(
  1. String path

Returns true if the guard pattern matches the given path.


bool shouldGuard(String path) {
  //todo logging
  developer.log("path: $path", name: 'AppNavigationGuard::shouldGuard');

  RegExp? reExclude, reGuard;
  if (guardExcludePattern is String && (guardExcludePattern as String).isNotEmpty) {
    reExclude = tryCastToRegExp(guardExcludePattern!);
  if (guardPattern is String && (guardPattern as String).isNotEmpty) {
    reGuard = tryCastToRegExp(guardPattern);

  if (reExclude == null || reGuard == null) {
    return false;

  if (!reExclude.hasMatch(path)) {
    return reGuard.hasMatch(path);
  } else {
    return false;