run abstract method

FutureOr<int> run(
  1. List<String> filePaths, {
  2. required void print(
    1. String? string
  3. required void completeTask(
    1. HookTask,
    2. int
  4. required void startTask(
    1. HookTask

Runs the task with the given file paths.

filePaths is the list of file paths to process. print is a function to print messages. completeTask is a function to mark the task as complete. startTask is a function to mark the task as started.

Returns a FutureOr


FutureOr<int> run(
  List<String> filePaths, {
  required void Function(String? string) print,
  required void Function(HookTask, int) completeTask,
  required void Function(HookTask) startTask,