requestPinWidget static method

Future<void> requestPinWidget({
  1. String? name,
  2. String? androidName,
  3. String? qualifiedAndroidName,

Requests to Pin (Add) the HomeScreenWidget to the User's Home Screen

This is supported only on some Android Launchers and only with Android API 26+

Android Widgets will look for qualifiedAndroidName then androidName and then for name There is no iOS alternative.

qualifiedAndroidName will use the name as is to find the WidgetProvider. androidName must match the classname of the WidgetProvider, prefixed by the package name.


static Future<void> requestPinWidget({
  String? name,
  String? androidName,
  // String? iOSName,
  String? qualifiedAndroidName,
}) {
  return _channel.invokeMethod('requestPinWidget', {
    'name': name,
    'android': androidName,
    // 'ios': iOSName,
    'qualifiedAndroidName': qualifiedAndroidName,