Hole Spread Splash

Hole Spread Splash is a Flutter package that provides a splash screen with an expanding hole animation effect. It creates a visually appealing transition between the splash screen and the main screen of your Flutter application.


  • Customizable hole size, position, and color
  • Adjustable animation duration
  • Easy to integrate into your Flutter application


To use Hole Spread Splash in your Flutter project, follow these steps:

  1. Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

      hole_spread_splash: ^0.0.1
    Run flutter pub get to install the package.
    Import the package in your Dart file:

dart Copy code import 'package:hole_spread_splash/hole_spread_splash.dart'; Create an instance of HoleSpreadSplash and customize it according to your needs. You can specify the logo, hole color, additional logo, and other parameters.

dart Copy code HoleSpreadSplash( logo: YourLogoWidget(), holeColor: Colors.amber, additionalLogo: AdditionalLogoWidget(), // Customize other parameters as needed ), In your Flutter app's MaterialApp, set the home or initialRoute to the HoleSpreadSplash widget.

dart Copy code MaterialApp( home: HoleSpreadSplash( // Splash configuration ), // Define other routes and pages ), Run your Flutter app and enjoy the splash screen with the expanding hole animation effect!

Example For a complete example of using Hole Spread Splash, please refer to the example directory of this package.

License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.