setup static method

Future<HMSException?> setup({
  1. bool? autoEnterPip,
  2. List<int>? aspectRatio,

setup PIP is used to setup PIP in Android devices. parameters:

autoEnterPip - Enable autoEnterPip will start pip mode automatically when app minimized. Default value is true

aspectRatio - Ratio for PIP window. List of int indicating ratio for PIP window as width,height. For example: 16, 9, 9, 16 ,1, 1. Default value is [16, 9]

Refer PIP mode guide here


static Future<HMSException?> setup({
  bool? autoEnterPip,
  List<int>? aspectRatio,
}) async {
  var result =
      await PlatformService.invokeMethod(PlatformMethod.setupPIP, arguments: {
    "auto_enter_pip": autoEnterPip ?? true,
    "ratio": (aspectRatio != null && aspectRatio.length == 2)
        ? aspectRatio
        : [16, 9],
  if (result != null) {
    return HMSException.fromMap(result["error"]);
  return null;