hmssdk_flutter library
- HLSStreamProperties
- HLSStreamProperties class defines the properties of the HLS stream.
- HMSActionResultListener
- 100ms HMSActionResultListener
- HMSAndroidPIPController
- HMSAndroidPIPController is used to setup and start the PIP in android. To know more visit here.
- HMSAudioFilePlayerNode
- 100ms HMSAudioFilePlayerNode
- HMSAudioMixerSource
- 100ms HMSAudioMixerSource
- HMSAudioSetting
- 100ms HMSAudioSetting
- HMSAudioTrack
- 100ms HMSAudioTrack
- HMSAudioTrackSetting
- 100ms HMSAudioTrackSetting
- HMSCameraControls
- HMSCameraControls contains the common camera functions for android and iOS
- HMSConfig
- 100ms HMSConfig
- HMSException
- HMSException
- HMSHLSConfig
- 100ms HMSHLSConfig
- 100ms HMSHLSCue
- HMSHLSMeetingURLVariant
- 100ms HMSHLSMeetingURLVariant
- HMSHLSPlaybackEventsListener
- 100ms HMSHLSPlaybackEventsListener
- HMSHLSPlayer
- 100ms HMSHLSPlayer
- HMSHLSPlayerController
- 100ms HMSHLSPlayerController
- HMSHLSPlayerStats
- 100ms HMSHLSPlayerStats
- HMSHLSRecordingConfig
- 100ms HMSHLSRecording
- HMSHLSTimedMetadata
- 100ms HMSHLSTimedMetadata
- HMSIOSPIPController
- HMSIOSPIPController is used to setup and start the PIP in iOS. To know more visit here.
- 100ms HMSIOSScreenshareConfig
- HMSKeyChangeListener
- 100ms HMSKeyChangeListener
- HMSLocalAudioStats
- 100ms HMSLocalAudioStats
- HMSLocalAudioTrack
- 100ms HMSLocalAudioTrack
- HMSLocalPeer
- 100ms HMSLocalPeer.
- HMSLocalVideoStats
- 100ms HMSLocalVideoStats
- HMSLocalVideoTrack
- 100ms HMSLocalVideoTrack
- HMSLogList
- 100ms HMSLogList
- HMSLogListener
- HMSLogSettings
- 100ms HMSLogSettings
- HMSMessage
- 100ms HMSMessage
- HMSMessageRecipient
- 100ms HMSMessageRecipient
- HMSMicNode
- 100ms HMSMicNode
- HMSNetworkQuality
- 100ms HMSNetworkQuality
- HMSNoiseCancellationController
- HMSNoiseCancellationController class exposes methods to control noise cancellation for the user Checkout the Noise Cancellations Docs here:
- HMSPeer
- 100ms HMSPeer.
- HMSPeerListIterator
- 100ms HMSPeerListIterator
- HMSPeerRemovedFromPeer
- 100ms HMSPeerRemovedFromPeer
- HMSPermissions
- 100ms HMSPermissions
- HMSPoll
- HMSPoll class represents poll
- HMSPollBuilder
- HMSPollBuilder is used to create polls It contains getters and setters for poll builder properties
- HMSPollInteractivityCenter
- HMSPollLeaderboardEntry
- HMSPollLeaderboardResponse
- HMSPollLeaderboardSummary
- HMSPollListener
- 100ms HMSPollListener
- HMSPollQuestion
- HMSPollQuestion class represents poll question
- HMSPollQuestionBuilder
- HMSPollQuestionBuilder is used to create questions for polls It contains getters and setters for poll question builder properties
- HMSPollQuestionOption
- HMSPollQuestionOption represents options for poll questions
- HMSPollQuizOption
- HMSPollResponsePeerInfo
- HMSPreviewListener
- HMSPreviewListener listens to updates when you preview.
- HMSPublishSetting
- HMSQualityLimitationReasons
- HMSRecordingConfig
- 100ms HMSRecordingConfg
- HMSRemoteAudioStats
- 100ms HMSRemoteAudioStats
- HMSRemoteAudioTrack
- 100ms HMSRemoteAudioTrack
- HMSRemotePeer
- 100ms HMSRemotePeer.
- HMSRemoteVideoStats
- 100ms HMSRemoteVideoStats
- HMSRemoteVideoTrack
- 100ms HMSRemotelVideoTrack
- HMSResolution
- 100ms HMSVideoResolution
- HMSRole
is a powerful concept that takes a lot of complexity away in handling permissions and supporting features like breakout rooms. - HMSRoleChangeRequest
- 100ms HMSRoleChangeRequest
- HMSRoom
- 100ms HMSRoom
- 100ms HMSRTCStats
- HMSRTCStatsReport
HMSRTCStatsReport contains stats for
. - HMSScreenBroadcastAudioReceiverNode
- 100ms HMSScreenBroadcastAudioReceiverNode
- The public interface of 100ms SDK. Create an instance of HMSSDK to start using the SDK.
- HMSSessionStore
- HMSSessionStore class takes care of the session metadata for a session
- HMSSimulcastLayerDefinition
- 100ms HMSSimulcastLayerDefinition
- HMSSimulcastSettings
- 100ms HMSSimulcastSettings
- HMSSpeaker
- 100ms HMSSpeaker
- HMSStatsListener
- 100ms HMSStatsListener
- HMSSubscribeDegradationParams
- 100ms HMSSubscribeDegradationParams
- HMSSubscribeSettings
- 100ms HMSSubscribeSettings
- HMSTextureView
- 100ms HMSTextureView
- HMSTextureViewController
- (Android Only) HMSTextureViewController is used to control the video view. It helps in controlling addTrack, removeTrack functionalities manually. It is useful in custom usecases where you wish to control the addTrack and removeTrack functionalities on your own. Please note that if you control the view creation, addTrack etc. on application, then application has the responsibility to release the texture view as well by calling disposeTextureView
- HMSTrack
- 100ms HMSTrack
- HMSTrackChangeRequest
- 100ms HMSTrackChangeRequest
- HMSTrackSetting
- 100ms HMSTrackSetting
- HMSTranscription
- HMSTranscription is a class which is used to represent a transcription.
- HMSTranscriptionController
- HMSTranscriptionController is used to control transcription in the meeting.
- HMSTranscriptionPermission
- HMSTranscriptionPermission contains the permission of the user for transcription.
- HMSTranscriptListener
- HMSTranscriptListener is the listener interface which listens to the transcription of the meeting.
- HMSUpdateListener
- 100ms HMSUpdateListener
- HMSVideoFilter
HMSVideoFilter is used to apply video effects like virtual background and blur
This is an internal library class and should not be used by the user
To use the video filters, use the
package - HMSVideoSetting
- 100ms HMSVideoSetting
- HMSVideoTrack
- 100ms HMSVideoTrack
- HMSVideoTrackSetting
- 100ms HMSVideoTrackSetting
- HMSVideoView
- 100ms HMSVideoView
- HMSWhiteboardController
- HMSWhiteboardController class contains methods to control the Whiteboard
- HMSWhiteboardModel
- HMSWhiteboardModel is a class which includes the properties of a whiteboard
- HMSWhiteboardPermission
- HMSWhiteboardPermission is a class that implements the permissions of a user in a whiteboard session.
- HMSWhiteboardUpdateListener
- HMSWhiteboardUpdateListener is a listener interface which listens to the updates of the whiteboard
- PeerListIteratorOptions
This class is used to set the options for the
method - TextureView
- TextureView returns a Texture surface to render the video
- HMSActionResultListenerMethod
- HMSAudioCodec
- HMSAudioCodec contains audio codec supported by HMSSDK
- HMSAudioDevice
- HMSAudioMixingMode
- HMSAudioMode
- Audio mode for the local user.
- HMSCameraFacing
- HMSHLSPlaybackState
- HMSHLSPlaybackState is an enum containing different HLS Player states
- HMSHLSPlaylistType
- HMSHLSPlaylistType is an enum which defines the type of playlist to be used in the HLS stream.
- HMSLogLevel
- HMSMessageRecipientType
- HMSPeerType
- HMSPeerType contains peer types i.e peer joined using SIP or using the application Read more info here:
- HMSPeerUpdate
- PeerUpdates in a room.
- HMSPollCategory
- The HMSPollCategory enum categorizes whether a poll or quiz is being represented.
- HMSPollListenerMethod
- HMSPollListenerMethod contains the HMSPollListener methods
- HMSPollQuestionType
- HMSPollQuestionType enum categorizes the type of question
- HMSPollState
- HMSPollState enum represents the different states a poll can be in.
- HMSPollUpdateType
- HMSPollUpdateType enum represents different types of updates that can occur in a poll.
- HMSPollUserTrackingMode
- HMSPollUserTrackingMode is the mode based on which the app identifies the user
- HMSPreviewUpdateListenerMethod
- HMSQualityLimitationReason
- HMSRecordingState
- Enum for the recording state in room
- HMSRoomUpdate
- HMSSimulcastLayer
- The available types of Simulcast layers which imply High, Medium or Low Video quality
- HMSStatsListenerMethod
- HMSStreamingState
- Enum for the streaming state in room
- HMSTrackInitState
- Enum to set the audio/video initial track state to be passed with HMSTrackSetting
- HMSTrackKind
- HMSTrackUpdate
- Track updates you will get when there is any change in the track
- HMSTranscriptionMode
- HMSTranscriptionMode is an enum class that defines the transcription mode of the meeting.
- HMSTranscriptionState
- HMSTranscriptionState is an enum class which defines the state of the transcription
- HMSUpdateListenerMethod
- HMSVideoCodec
- HMSWhiteboardListenerMethod
- HMSWhiteboardState
- HMSWhiteboardState enum is used to define the state of the whiteboard
- PlatformMethod
- platformmethods to use to interact with specific platform
- ScaleType
- HMSAudioCodecValues on HMSAudioCodec
- Utility method to return audio codec from string and vice versa
- HMSAudioDeviceValues on HMSAudioDevice
- Camera facing
- HMSAudioModeValues on HMSAudioMode
- Extension for HMSAudioMode enum
- HMSAudiosMixingModeValues on HMSAudioMixingMode
- Camera facing
- HMSCameraFacingValues on HMSCameraFacing
- Camera facing
- HMSHLSPlaybackStateValues on HMSHLSPlaybackState
- HMSHLSPlaylistTypeValues on HMSHLSPlaylistType
- HMSLogLevelValue on HMSLogLevel
- HMSLogLevel for android and ios
- HMSMessageRecipientValues on HMSMessageRecipientType
- HMSMessageRecipient
- HMSPeerTypevalues on HMSPeerType
- HMSPeerUpdateValues on HMSPeerUpdate
- HMSPollCategoryValues on HMSPollCategory
- HMSPollListenerMethodValues on HMSPollListenerMethod
- HMSPollQuestionTypeValues on HMSPollQuestionType
- HMSPollStateValues on HMSPollState
- HMSPollUpdateTypeValues on HMSPollUpdateType
- HMSPollUserTrackingModeValues on HMSPollUserTrackingMode
- HMSPreviewUpdateListenerMethodValues on HMSPreviewUpdateListenerMethod
- HMSQualityLimitationReasonValue on HMSQualityLimitationReason
- HMSLogLevel for android and ios
- HMSRecordingStateValues on HMSRecordingState
- HMSRoomUpdateValues on HMSRoomUpdate
- HMSSimulcastLayerValue on HMSSimulcastLayer
- HMSStatsListenerMethodValues on HMSStatsListenerMethod
- HMSStreamingStateValues on HMSStreamingState
- HMSTrackInitStateValue on HMSTrackInitState
- HMSTrackKindValue on HMSTrackKind
Type of track
- HMSTrackUpdateValues on HMSTrackUpdate
- HMSTranscriptionModeValues on HMSTranscriptionMode
- HMSTranscriptionStateValues on HMSTranscriptionState
- HMSUpdateListenerMethodValues on HMSUpdateListenerMethod
- HMSVideoCodecValues on HMSVideoCodec
- VideoCodec
- HMSWhiteboardListenerMethodValues on HMSWhiteboardListenerMethod
- HMSWhiteboardStateValues on HMSWhiteboardState
- PlatformMethodValues on PlatformMethod
- ScalingTypeExtension on ScaleType