getResource method

  1. @override
HTSource getResource(
  1. String key, {
  2. String? from,

Import a resource with a certain key, ignore those already imported

If from is provided, the handler will try to get a relative path

Otherwise, a absolute path is calculated from root


HTSource getResource(String key, {String? from}) {
  final normalized = getAbsolutePath(
      key: key, dirName: from != null ? path.dirname(from) : root);
  if (_cached.containsKey(normalized)) {
    return _cached[normalized]!;
  } else {
    final content = File(normalized).readAsStringSync();
    final ext = path.extension(normalized);
    final source =
        HTSource(content, fullName: normalized, type: checkExtension(ext));
    addResource(normalized, source);
    return source;