HTVariable constructor

  1. required String id,
  2. HTInterpreter? interpreter,
  3. String? fileName,
  4. String? moduleName,
  5. String? classId,
  6. HTNamespace? closure,
  7. String? documentation,
  8. HTType? declType,
  9. dynamic value,
  10. bool isPrivate = false,
  11. bool isExternal = false,
  12. bool isStatic = false,
  13. bool isConst = false,
  14. bool isMutable = false,
  15. bool isTopLevel = false,
  16. bool lateFinalize = false,
  17. int? definitionIp,
  18. int? definitionLine,
  19. int? definitionColumn,

Create a HTVariable.

If it has initializer code, it will have to be defined in a HTNamespace of an Interpreter before it can be acessed within a script.


    HTInterpreter? interpreter,
    String? fileName,
    String? moduleName,
    HTNamespace? closure,
    dynamic value,
    super.isPrivate = false,
    super.isExternal = false,
    super.isStatic = false,
    super.isConst = false,
    super.isMutable = false,
    super.isTopLevel = false,
    super.lateFinalize = false,
    int? definitionIp,
    int? definitionLine,
    int? definitionColumn})
    : _closure = closure,
      super(closure: closure) {
  if (interpreter != null) {
    this.interpreter = interpreter;
  if (fileName != null) {
    this.fileName = fileName;
  if (moduleName != null) {
    this.moduleName = moduleName;
  this.definitionIp = definitionIp;
  this.definitionLine = definitionLine;
  this.definitionColumn = definitionColumn;

  if (value != null) {
    _value = value;
    _isInitialized = true;