namespace property
Mixined class of this class. Those mixined class can not have any constructors. Implemented classes of this class. Implements only inherits methods declaration, and the child must re-define all implements methods, and the re-definition must be of the same function signature. The HTNamespace for this class, for searching for static variables.
// final Iterable<HTClass> mixinedClass;
// final Iterable<HTType> mixinedType;
/// Implemented classes of this class.
/// Implements only inherits methods declaration,
/// and the child must re-define all implements methods,
/// and the re-definition must be of the same function signature.
// final Iterable<HTClass> implementedClass;
// final Iterable<HTType> implementedType;
/// The [HTNamespace] for this class,
/// for searching for static variables.
late final HTClassNamespace namespace;