namespace property

HTClassNamespace namespace

Mixined class of this class. Those mixined class can not have any constructors. Implemented classes of this class. Implements only inherits methods declaration, and the child must re-define all implements methods, and the re-definition must be of the same function signature. The HTNamespace for this class, for searching for static variables.


// final Iterable<HTClass> mixinedClass;
// final Iterable<HTType> mixinedType;

/// Implemented classes of this class.
/// Implements only inherits methods declaration,
/// and the child must re-define all implements methods,
/// and the re-definition must be of the same function signature.
// final Iterable<HTClass> implementedClass;
// final Iterable<HTType> implementedType;

/// The [HTNamespace] for this class,
/// for searching for static variables.
late final HTClassNamespace namespace;