HTInterpreter class

A bytecode implementation of Hetu Script interpreter


HTInterpreter({InterpreterConfig? config, required HTResourceContext<HTSource> sourceContext, HTLexicon? lexicon})
A bytecode interpreter.


cachedModules Map<String, HTBytecodeModule>
config InterpreterConfig
getter/setter pair
currentBytecodeModule HTBytecodeModule
no setter
currentColumn int
no setter
currentFileName String
no setter
currentLine int
no setter
currentNamespace HTNamespace
no setter
errorConfig ErrorHandlerConfig
no setter
externClasses Map<String, HTExternalClass>
externFunctions Map<String, Function>
externFunctionTypedefs Map<String, HTExternalFunctionTypedef>
externTypeReflection List<HTExternalTypeReflection>
globalNamespace HTNamespace
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
lexicon HTLexicon
no setter
localSymbol String?
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sourceContext HTResourceContext<HTSource>
getter/setter pair
stackTraceList List<String>


assign(String varName, dynamic value, {String? moduleName, String? sourceName}) → void
Assign value to a top level variable defined in a certain namespace in the interpreter.
bindExternalClass(HTExternalClass externalClass, {bool override = false}) → void
Register a external class into scrfipt. For acessing static members and constructors of this class, there must also be a declaraction in script
bindExternalFunction(String id, Function function, {bool override = false}) → void
Register a external function into scrfipt there must be a declaraction also in script for using this
bindExternalFunctionType(String id, HTExternalFunctionTypedef function, {bool override = false}) → void
Register a external function typedef into scrfipt
bindExternalReflection(HTExternalTypeReflection reflection) → void
Bind a external class name to a abstract class name for interpreter get dart class name by reflection
containsExternalClass(String id) bool
Wether the interpreter has a certain external class binding.
createStructfromJson(Map jsonData) HTStruct
encapsulate(dynamic object) HTEntity
Encapsulate any value to a Hetu object, for members accessing and type check.
execute({bool retractStackFrame = true, HTContext? context, dynamic localValue}) → dynamic
Interpret a loaded module with the key of moduleName Starting from the instruction pointer of ip This function will return current expression value when encountered HTOpCode.endOfExec or HTOpCode.endOfFunc.
fetch(String varName, {String? moduleName, String? sourceName}) → dynamic
Get a top level variable defined in a certain namespace.
fetchExternalClass(String id) HTExternalClass
Fetch a external class instance
fetchExternalFunction(String id) Function
Fetch a external function
getBytecode(String moduleName) HTBytecodeModule?
getContext({bool filename = true, bool moduleName = true, bool namespace = true, bool ip = true, bool line = true, bool column = true}) HTContext
Get the current context of the interpreter, parameter determines wether to store certain items. For example, if you set ip to false, the context you get from this method will leave ip as null.
invoke(String funcName, {String? moduleName, String? sourceName, bool isConstructorCall = false, List positionalArgs = const [], Map<String, dynamic> namedArgs = const {}, List<HTType> typeArgs = const []}) → dynamic
Invoke a top level function defined in a certain namespace. It's possible to use this method to invoke a HTClass or HTNamedStruct name as a contruct call, you will get a HTInstance or HTStruct as return value.
loadBytecode({required Uint8List bytes, required String moduleName, bool globallyImport = false, String? invokeFunc, List positionalArgs = const [], Map<String, dynamic> namedArgs = const {}, List<HTType> typeArgs = const [], bool debugPerformance = false}) → dynamic
Load a pre-compiled bytecode file as a module. If invokeFunc is true, execute the bytecode immediately.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
processError(Object error, [Object? externalStackTrace]) → void
Catch errors throwed by other code, and wrap them with detailed informations.
setContext({StackFrameStrategy stackFrameStrategy = StackFrameStrategy.none, HTContext? context}) → void
Change the current context of the bytecode interpreter to a new one.
stringify(dynamic object) String
switchModule(String moduleName) → void
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toStructValue(dynamic value) → dynamic
unwrapExternalFunctionType(HTFunction func) Function
Using unwrapper to turn a script function into a external function


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

rootClass HTClass?
getter/setter pair
rootStruct HTStruct?
getter/setter pair