require method

HTNamespace require(
  1. String path

Load a source into current bytecode dynamically.


HTNamespace require(String path) {
  final key = config.normalizeImportPath
      ? sourceContext.getAbsolutePath(key: path)
      : path;

  // Search in current module first
  if (interpreter.currentBytecodeModule.namespaces.containsKey(key)) {
    return interpreter.currentBytecodeModule.namespaces[key]!;
  // Then try to search it in any loaded modules.
  else {
    for (final module in interpreter.cachedModules.values) {
      for (final nsp in module.namespaces.values) {
        if (nsp.fullName == key) {
          return nsp;

  // Then we have to load the source dynamically
  final source = sourceContext.getResource(key);
  // Because we are loading it dynamically, it has to be a script rather than a module.
  source.type = HTResourceType.hetuScript;
  final bytes = _compileSource(source, moduleName: key);
  final HTContext storedContext = interpreter.getContext();
  interpreter.loadBytecode(bytes: bytes, moduleName: key);
  final nsp = interpreter.currentBytecodeModule.namespaces.values.last;
  interpreter.setContext(context: storedContext);
  return nsp;