readInt64 method
Fetch a int32 from the bytes list Fetch a int64 from the bytes list Fetch a float64 from the bytes list Fetch a int64 from the bytes list Fetch a int64 from the bytes list
// int readInt32() {
// final start = ip;
// ip += 4;
// return bytes.buffer.asByteData().getInt32(start);
// }
/// Fetch a int64 from the bytes list
// int readInt64() {
// final start = ip;
// ip += 8;
// return bytes.buffer.asByteData().getInt64(start);
// }
/// Fetch a float64 from the bytes list
// double readFloat64() {
// final start = ip;
// ip += 8;
// return bytes.buffer.asByteData().getFloat64(start);
// }
/// Fetch a int64 from the bytes list
// int readInt64() {
// final signMask = 1 << 31;
// final highBits = bytes.buffer.asByteData().getUint32(ip, Endian.big);
// final isNegative = (highBits & signMask) >> 31 == 1 ? -1 : 1;
// final littleEnd = bytes.buffer.asByteData().getUint32(ip + 4, Endian.big);
// ip += 8;
// var bigEnd = highBits;
// if (isNegative < 0) {
// bigEnd = highBits - signMask;
// return ((bigEnd << 32) + littleEnd) * -1 - 1;
// } else {
// return (bigEnd << 32) + littleEnd;
// }
// }
/// Fetch a int64 from the bytes list
int readInt64() {
final data = readUtf8String();
final number = int.parse(data);
return number;