getL2TxId function

String getL2TxId(
  1. int fromIdx,
  2. int tokenId,
  3. double amount,
  4. int nonce,
  5. int fee,

Generates the Transaction Id based on the spec TxID (33 bytes) for L2Tx is: bytes: | 1 byte | 32 bytes | SHA256( 6 bytes | 4 bytes | 2 bytes| 5 bytes | 1 byte ) content: | type | SHA256(FromIdx | TokenID | Amount | Nonce | Fee ) where type for L2Tx is '2' @param {Number} fromIdx - The account index that sends the transaction @param {Number} tokenId - The tokenId being transacted @param {Number} amount - The amount being transacted @param {Number} nonce - Nonce of the transaction @param {Number} fee - The fee of the transaction @returns {String} Transaction Id


String getL2TxId(int fromIdx, int tokenId, double amount, int nonce, int fee) {
  final fromIdxBytes = Uint8List(8);
  final fromIdxView = ByteData.view(fromIdxBytes.buffer);
  fromIdxView.setUint64(0, fromIdx);

  final tokenIdBytes = Uint8List(8);
  final tokenIdView = ByteData.view(tokenIdBytes.buffer);
  tokenIdView.setUint64(0, tokenId);

  final amountF40 = HermezCompressedAmount.compressAmount(amount).value;
  final amountBytes = Uint8List(8);
  final amountView = ByteData.view(amountBytes.buffer);
  amountView.setUint64(0, BigInt.from(amountF40).toInt());

  final nonceBytes = Uint8List(8);
  final nonceView = ByteData.view(nonceBytes.buffer);
  nonceView.setUint64(0, nonce);

  final fromIdxHex = bytesToHex(fromIdxView.buffer.asUint8List().sublist(2, 8));
  final tokenIdHex = bytesToHex(tokenIdView.buffer.asUint8List().sublist(4, 8));
  final amountHex = bytesToHex(
      amountView.buffer.asUint8List().sublist(3, 8)); // float40: 5 bytes
  final nonceHex = bytesToHex(nonceView.buffer.asUint8List().sublist(3, 8));

  String feeHex = fee.toRadixString(16);
  if (feeHex.length == 1) {
    feeHex = '0' + feeHex;

  final v = fromIdxHex + tokenIdHex + amountHex + nonceHex + feeHex;
  final h = bytesToHex(keccak256(hexToBytes(v)));

  return '0x02' + h;