deposit function

Future<String?> deposit(
  1. HermezCompressedAmount amount,
  2. String hezEthereumAddress,
  3. Token token,
  4. String babyJubJub,
  5. String privateKey, {
  6. BigInt? approveMaxGas,
  7. BigInt? depositMaxGas,
  8. int gasPrice = 0,

Makes a deposit. It detects if it's a 'createAccountDeposit' or a 'deposit' and prepares the parameters accordingly. Detects if it's an Ether, ERC 20 token and sends the transaction accordingly.

@param {BigInt} amount - The amount to be deposited @param {String} hezEthereumAddress - The Hermez address of the transaction sender @param {Object} token - The token information object as returned from the API @param {String} babyJubJub - The compressed BabyJubJub in hexadecimal format of the transaction sender. @param {String} providerUrl - Network url (i.e, http://localhost:8545). Optional @param {Object} signerData - Signer data used to build a Signer to send the transaction @param {Number} gasLimit - Optional gas limit @param {Number} gasMultiplier - Optional gas multiplier

@returns {String} transaction hash


Future<String?> deposit(
    HermezCompressedAmount amount,
    String hezEthereumAddress,
    Token token,
    String babyJubJub,
    String privateKey,
    {BigInt? approveMaxGas,
    BigInt? depositMaxGas,
    int gasPrice = 0}) async {
  if (approveMaxGas == null || depositMaxGas == null) {
    LinkedHashMap<String, BigInt> gasLimits =
        await depositGasLimit(amount, hezEthereumAddress, token, babyJubJub);
    if (approveMaxGas == null) {
      approveMaxGas = gasLimits['approveGasLimit'];
    if (depositMaxGas == null) {
      depositMaxGas = gasLimits['depositGasLimit'];

  EtherAmount ethGasPrice;
  if (gasPrice > 0) {
    ethGasPrice = EtherAmount.inWei(BigInt.from(gasPrice));
  } else {
    ethGasPrice = await HermezSDK.currentWeb3Client!.getGasPrice();

  final accounts = await getAccounts(hezEthereumAddress, []);
  final Account? account = accounts != null && accounts.accounts!.isNotEmpty
      ? accounts.accounts![0]
      : null;

  final hermezContract = await ContractParser.fromAssets('HermezABI.json',
      getCurrentEnvironment()!.contracts['Hermez']!, "Hermez");

  final credentials =
      await HermezSDK.currentWeb3Client!.credentialsFromPrivateKey(privateKey);
  final from = await credentials.extractAddress();

  final transactionParameters = [
    account != null ? : hexToInt(babyJubJub),
    account != null
        ? BigInt.from(getAccountIndex(account.accountIndex))

  final decompressedAmount = HermezCompressedAmount.decompressAmount(amount);

  if ( == 0) {
    int nonce = await HermezSDK.currentWeb3Client!
        .getTransactionCount(from, atBlock: BlockNum.pending());

    Transaction transaction = Transaction.callContract(
        contract: hermezContract,
        function: _addL1Transaction(hermezContract),
        from: from,
        parameters: transactionParameters,
        maxGas: depositMaxGas!.toInt() - 1000,
        gasPrice: ethGasPrice,
        value: EtherAmount.fromUnitAndValue(
            EtherUnit.wei, BigInt.from(decompressedAmount)),
        nonce: nonce);

        'deposit ETH --> privateKey: $privateKey, sender: $from, receiver: ${hermezContract.address},'
        ' amountInWei: $decompressedAmount, depositGasLimit: ${depositMaxGas.toInt()}, gasPrice: ${ethGasPrice.getInWei}');

    String? txHash;
    try {
      txHash = await HermezSDK.currentWeb3Client!.sendTransaction(
          credentials, transaction,
          chainId: getCurrentEnvironment()!.chainId);
    } catch (e) {


    return txHash;

  int nonceBefore = await HermezSDK.currentWeb3Client!
      .getTransactionCount(from, atBlock: BlockNum.pending());

  await approve(BigInt.from(decompressedAmount), from.hex,
      token.ethereumAddress!,!, credentials,
      gasLimit: approveMaxGas, gasPrice: gasPrice);

  int nonceAfter = await HermezSDK.currentWeb3Client!
      .getTransactionCount(from, atBlock: BlockNum.pending());

  int correctNonce = nonceAfter;

  if (nonceBefore == nonceAfter) {
    correctNonce = nonceAfter + 1;

  // Keep in mind that web3.eth.getTransactionCount(walletAddress)
  // will only give you the last CONFIRMED nonce.
  // So it won't take the unmined ones into account.

  Transaction transaction = Transaction.callContract(
      contract: hermezContract,
      function: _addL1Transaction(hermezContract),
      parameters: transactionParameters,
      maxGas: depositMaxGas!.toInt() - 1000,
      gasPrice: ethGasPrice,
      nonce: correctNonce);

      'deposit ERC20--> privateKey: $privateKey, sender: $from, receiver: ${hermezContract.address},'
      ' amountInWei: $amount, depositGasLimit: ${depositMaxGas.toInt()}, gasPrice: ${ethGasPrice.getInWei}');

  String? txHash;
  try {
    txHash = await HermezSDK.currentWeb3Client!.sendTransaction(
        credentials, transaction,
        chainId: getCurrentEnvironment()!.chainId);
  } catch (e) {


  return txHash;