getRewards method

Future<HeliumPagedResponse<List<HeliumHotspotReward>>> getRewards(
  1. String address,
  2. DateTime minTime,
  3. DateTime maxTime

Returns rewards for a given hotspot per reward block the hotspot is in, for a given timeframe.

The block that contains the maxTime timestamp is excluded from the result. address is the B58 address of the hotspot.


Future<HeliumPagedResponse<List<HeliumHotspotReward>>> getRewards(
    String address, DateTime minTime, DateTime maxTime) async {
  return _client._doPagedRequest(HeliumPagedRequest(
    path: '/v1/hotspots/$address/rewards',
    parameters: {
      'min_time': minTime,
      'max_time': maxTime,
    extractResponse: (json) => HeliumRequest.mapDataList(
        json, (r) => HeliumHotspotReward.fromJson(r)),