getByBox method

Future<HeliumPagedResponse<List<HeliumHotspot>>> getByBox(
  1. double swlat,
  2. double swlon,
  3. double nelat,
  4. double nelon,

Fetches the hotspots which are within a given geographic boundary indicated by its south-western and north-eastern coordinates.

The south-western corner of the box is given by lat/lon pair swlat and swlon. The north-eastern corner of the box is given by lat/lon pair nelat and nelon.


Future<HeliumPagedResponse<List<HeliumHotspot>>> getByBox(
    double swlat, double swlon, double nelat, double nelon) async {
  return _client._doPagedRequest(HeliumPagedRequest(
    path: '/v1/hotspots/location/box',
    parameters: {
      'swlat': swlat,
      'swlon': swlon,
      'nelat': nelat,
      'nelon': nelon,
    extractResponse: (json) =>
        HeliumRequest.mapDataList(json, (h) => HeliumHotspot.fromJson(h)),