listOracleActivityForOracle method

Future<HeliumPagedResponse<List<HeliumTransactionPriceOracleV1>>> listOracleActivityForOracle(
  1. String address, {
  2. DateTime? minTime,
  3. DateTime? maxTime,
  4. int? limit,

Lists the Oracle Price report transactions for the given oracle key.

minTime is the first time to include data for. maxTime is the last time to include data for. limit is the maximum number of items to return.


  String address, {
  DateTime? minTime,
  DateTime? maxTime,
  int? limit,
}) async {
  return _client._doPagedRequest(HeliumPagedRequest(
    path: '/v1/oracle/$address/activity',
    parameters: {
      'min_time': minTime,
      'max_time': maxTime,
      'limit': limit,
    extractResponse: (json) => HeliumRequest.mapDataList(
        json, (p) => HeliumTransactionPriceOracleV1.fromJson(p)),