listHotspotActivity method

Future<HeliumPagedResponse<List<HeliumTransaction>>> listHotspotActivity(
  1. String address, {
  2. Set<HeliumTransactionType> filterTypes = const {},

Lists all blockchain transactions in which the given hotspot was involved.

address is the B58 address of the hotspot. filterTypes is a list of transaction types to retrieve. If empty, all transactions are listed.


Future<HeliumPagedResponse<List<HeliumTransaction>>> listHotspotActivity(
    String address,
    {Set<HeliumTransactionType> filterTypes = const {}}) async {
  return _client._doPagedRequest(HeliumPagedRequest(
    path: '/v1/hotspots/$address/activity',
    parameters: {
      'filter_types': => e.value),
    extractResponse: (json) =>
        HeliumRequest.mapDataList(json, (h) => HeliumTransaction.fromJson(h)),