connect method

Future<void> connect({
  1. Duration? timeout = const Duration(seconds: 35),
  2. bool autoConnect = false,
  3. int? mtu = 512,

Establishes a connection to the Bluetooth Device. timeout if timeout occurs, cancel the connection request and throw exception mtu Android only. Request a larger mtu right after connection, if set. autoConnect reconnect whenever the device is found - if true, this function always returns immediately. - you must listen to connectionState to know when connection occurs. - auto connect is turned off by calling disconnect - auto connect results in a slower connection process compared to a direct connection because it relies on the internal scheduling of background scans.


Future<void> connect({
  Duration? timeout =
      const Duration(seconds: 35), // TODO: implementation missing
  bool autoConnect = false, // TODO: implementation missing
  int? mtu = 512, // TODO: implementation missing
}) async {
  try {
    await WinBle.connect(_address);
  } catch (e) {
  } finally {
    // FlutterBluePlusWindows._removed.remove(this);