BarAreaData constructor

  1. bool show = false,
  2. Color? color,
  3. Gradient? gradient,
  4. BarAreaSpotsLine spotsLine = const BarAreaSpotsLine(),
  5. double cutOffY = 0,
  6. bool applyCutOffY = false,

if show is true, LineChart fills above and below area of each line with a color or gradient.

color determines the color of above or below space area, if one color provided it applies a solid color, otherwise it gradients between provided colors for drawing the line. Gradient happens using provided gradientColorStops, gradientFrom, gradientTo. if you want it draw normally, don't touch them, check LinearGradient for understanding gradientColorStops

If spotsLine is provided, it draws some lines from each spot to the bottom or top of the chart.

If applyCutOffY is true, it cuts the drawing by the cutOffY line.


BarAreaData({ = false,
  Color? color,
  this.spotsLine = const BarAreaSpotsLine(),
  this.cutOffY = 0,
  this.applyCutOffY = false,
}) : color = color ??
          ((color == null && gradient == null)
              ? Colors.blueGrey.withOpacity(0.5)
              : null);