statisticsCollectionQuery static method

StreamSubscription statisticsCollectionQuery(
  1. List<PreferredUnit> preferredUnits,
  2. Predicate predicate,
  3. DateTime anchorDate,
  4. DateTime enumerateFrom,
  5. DateTime enumerateTo,
  6. DateComponents intervalComponents, {
  7. required dynamic onUpdate(
    1. Statistics

Will fetch the actual values as a first data snapshot and will provide a numerous enumerations as soon as they are ready. Will call onUpdate callback, if there were changes regarding to the provided type inside HealthKit Provide the predicate to set the date interval. Provide the unit for the type. See preferredUnits. Provide the anchorDate as a starting point. Set the time interval with enumerateFrom and enumerateTo accordingly. Set the grouping by intervalComponents


static StreamSubscription<dynamic> statisticsCollectionQuery(
    List<PreferredUnit> preferredUnits,
    Predicate predicate,
    DateTime anchorDate,
    DateTime enumerateFrom,
    DateTime enumerateTo,
    DateComponents intervalComponents,
    {required Function(Statistics) onUpdate}) {
  final arguments = {
    'preferredUnits': =>,
    'anchorTimestamp': anchorDate.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
    'enumerateFrom': enumerateFrom.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
    'enumerateTo': enumerateTo.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
  return _statisticsCollectionQueryChannel
      .listen((event) {
    final json = jsonDecode(event);
    final statistics = Statistics.fromJson(json);