read static method

Future<List<HealthData>?>? read(
  1. DataType type, {
  2. DateTime? dateFrom,
  3. DateTime? dateTo,
  4. int? limit,

It's not advised to call await without any extra parameters. This can lead to FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION on Android devices because of the data batch size being too large.


static Future<List<HealthData>?>? read(
  DataType type, {
  DateTime? dateFrom,
  DateTime? dateTo,
  int? limit,
}) async {
  return await _channel
      .invokeListMethod('read', {
        "type": _dataTypeToString(type),
        "date_from": dateFrom?.millisecondsSinceEpoch ?? 1,
        "date_to": (dateTo ??,
        "limit": limit,
        (response) =>
            response?.map((item) => HealthData.fromJson(item)).toList(),
        (_) => throw UnsupportedException(type),
        test: (e) {
          if (e is PlatformException) return e.code == 'unsupported';
          return false;