pointWrite method

Future<HGrid> pointWrite(
  1. HRef id,
  2. int level,
  3. String who,
  4. HVal val,
  5. HNum dur,

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Write to a given level of a writable point, and return the current status of a writable point's priority array (see pointWriteArray()).

id is identifier of writable point. level from 1-17 for level to write. val to write or null to auto the level. who is optional username performing the write, otherwise user dis is used. dur should be with unit if setting level 8.


// PointWrite

  /// Write to a given level of a writable point, and return the current status
  /// of a writable point's priority array (see pointWriteArray()).
  /// [id] is identifier of writable point.
  /// [level] from 1-17 for level to write.
  /// [val] to write or null to auto the level.
  /// [who] is optional username performing the write, otherwise user dis is used.
  /// [dur] should be with unit if setting level 8.
  Future<HGrid> pointWrite(HRef id, int level, String who, HVal val, HNum dur) {
    var b = HGridBuilder();

    b.addRow([id, HNum(level), HStr(who), val, dur]);

    return call("pointWrite", b.toGrid());