AbsHandleIntegratedEvent <T extends Map <String , dynamic > >
An accessibility guideline describes a recommendation an application should
meet to be considered accessible.
Records the frames of an animating widget, and later displays the frames as a
grid in an animation sheet.
A variant of TestWidgetsFlutterBinding for executing tests typically
the flutter test
environment, unless it is an integration test.
Accessibility announcement data passed to SemanticsService.announce captured in a test.
Applies additional filtering against a parent widget finder.
Used to expand the new Command .
Provides lightweight syntax for getting frequently used Finder s and
SemanticsFinder s through semantics .
Provides lightweight syntax for getting frequently used semantics finders.
Provides lightweight syntax for getting frequently used text range finders.
The result of a pixel comparison test.
A useful utility class for implementing other matchers through inheritance.
Derived classes should call the base constructor with a feature name and
description, and an instance matcher, and should implement the
featureValueOf abstract method.
A guideline which verifies that all elements specified by finder
meet minimum contrast levels.
The TestVariant that represents the "default" test that is run if no
iterable is specified for testWidgets .
An unsupported WebGoldenComparator that exists for API compatibility.
Matchers build up their error messages by appending to Description objects.
The result of evaluating a semantics node by a AccessibilityGuideline .
A stand-in for another object which cannot be used except for specifically
overridden methods.
Test version of AccessibilityFeatures in which specific features may
be set to arbitrary values.
Used to fake insets and padding for TestFlutterView s.
A base class for creating finders that search the Element tree for
Widget s.
FinderBase <CandidateType >
Encapsulates the logic for searching a list of candidates and filtering the
candidates to only those that meet the requirements defined by the finder.
Used to expand the new Finder .
FinderResult <CandidateType >
The results of searching with a FinderBase .
The class that manages communication between a Flutter Driver test and the
application being remote-controlled, on the application side.
This class and summarizes a list of FrameTiming for the performance
Future <T >
The result of an asynchronous computation.
Compares image pixels against a golden image file.
HandleBaseCase <T >
case模板,模板代码的class需要在 nim_core_test.dart
case模板,模板代码的class需要在 nim_core_test.dart
A subclass of LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding that reports tests results
on a channel to adapt them to native instrumentation test format.
A class that serves as a namespace for a bunch of keyboard-key generation
A TestVariant that runs tests with transit modes set to different values
of KeyDataTransitMode .
A guideline which enforces that all nodes with a tap or long press action
also have a label.
A variant of TestWidgetsFlutterBinding for executing tests
on a device, typically via flutter run
, or via integration tests.
This is intended to allow interactive test development.
Variant of WidgetController that can be used in tests running
on a device.
The default GoldenFileComparator implementation for flutter test
The base class for all matchers.
The matcher created by matchesGoldenFile . This class is enabled when the
test is running on a VM using conditional import.
Searches candidates for any that match a particular pattern.
A guideline which enforces that all tappable semantics nodes have a minimum
A guideline which verifies that all nodes that contribute semantics via text
meet minimum contrast levels.
A mock stream handler for an EventChannel that mimics the native
StreamHandler API.
A mock event sink for a MockStreamHandler that mimics the native
An immutable 2D floating-point offset.
An annotation for platform-specific customizations for a test suite.
Builder interface for patterns used to match display lists (canvas calls).
A record of input PointerEvent list with the timeStamp of when it is
An Invocation and the stack trace that led to it.
An annotation for marking a test suite to be retried.
Class that programmatically interacts with the Semantics tree.
A base class for creating finders that search the semantics tree.
A reference to the semantics information generated by the framework.
An annotation for marking a test suite as skipped.
A matcher that matches events from Stream s or StreamQueue
The default implementation of Description . This should rarely need
substitution, although conceivably it is a place where other languages
could be supported.
An annotation for applying a set of user-defined tags to a test suite.
A TestVariant that runs tests with debugDefaultTargetPlatformOverride
set to different values of TargetPlatform .
Utility class for all the async APIs in the flutter_test
A BinaryMessenger subclass that is used as the default binary messenger
under testing environment.
A version of Display that can be modified to allow for testing various
use cases.
A FlutterView that wraps another FlutterView and allows faking of
some properties for testing purposes.
A class for performing gestures in tests.
An annotation indicating which platforms a test suite supports.
PlatformDispatcher that wraps another PlatformDispatcher and
allows faking of some properties for testing purposes.
A class for generating coherent artificial pointer events.
A Canvas for tests that records its method calls.
A PaintingContext for tests that use TestRecordingCanvas .
Restoration data that can be used to restore the state to the one described
by this data.
The RestorationManager used for tests.
A testing stub for the system's onscreen keyboard.
TestVariant <T >
An abstract base class for describing test environment variants.
A ViewConfiguration that pretends the display is of a particular size (in
logical pixels).
A TickerProvider that creates a standalone ticker.
Base class for bindings used by widgets library tests.
Deprecated. Will be removed in a future version of Flutter.
The current text, selection, and composing state for editing a run of text.
The CandidateType
of finders that search for and filter substrings,
within static text rendered by RenderParagraph s.
Use the throwsA function instead.
A class representing a modification to the default timeout for a test.
Placeholder comparator that is set as the value of goldenFileComparator
when the initialization that happens in the test bootstrap either has not
yet happened or has been bypassed.
TypeMatcher <T >
A Matcher subclass that supports validating the Type of the target
ValueVariant <T >
A TestVariant that runs separate tests with each of the given values.
Compares image pixels against a golden image file.
Class that programmatically interacts with widgets.
Class that programmatically interacts with widgets and the test environment.
addStateInfo (Map matchState , Map values )
→ void
Useful utility for nesting match states.
addTearDown (dynamic callback () )
→ void
Registers a function to be run after the current test.
allOf (Object ? arg0 , [Object ? arg1 , Object ? arg2 , Object ? arg3 , Object ? arg4 , Object ? arg5 , Object ? arg6 ])
→ Matcher
This returns a matcher that matches if all of the matchers passed as
arguments (up to 7) match.
anyElement (Object ? valueOrMatcher )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher which matches Iterable s in which at least one
element matches the given valueOrMatcher
anyOf (Object ? arg0 , [Object ? arg1 , Object ? arg2 , Object ? arg3 , Object ? arg4 , Object ? arg5 , Object ? arg6 ])
→ Matcher
Matches if any of the given matchers evaluate to true.
benchmarkWidgets (WidgetTesterCallback callback , {bool mayRunWithAsserts = false , bool semanticsEnabled = false })
→ Future <void >
Runs the callback
inside the Flutter benchmark environment.
captureImage (Element element )
→ Future <Image >
Render the closest RepaintBoundary of the element
into an image.
clipsWithBoundingRRect ({required BorderRadius borderRadius })
→ Matcher
Asserts that a Finder locates a single object whose root RenderObject
is a RenderClipRRect with no clipper set, and border radius equals to
, or an equivalent RenderClipPath .
clipsWithShapeBorder ({required ShapeBorder shape })
→ Matcher
Asserts that a Finder locates a single object whose root RenderObject
is a RenderClipPath with a ShapeBorderClipper that clips to
closeTo (num value , num delta )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is within delta
of some value
collapseWhitespace (String string )
→ String
Utility function to collapse whitespace runs to single spaces
and strip leading/trailing whitespace.
collectAllElementsFrom (Element rootElement , {required bool skipOffstage })
→ Iterable <Element >
Provides an iterable that efficiently returns all the Element s
rooted at the given Element . See CachingIterable for details.
collectAllSemanticsNodesFrom (SemanticsNode root , {DebugSemanticsDumpOrder order = DebugSemanticsDumpOrder.traversalOrder })
→ Iterable <SemanticsNode >
Provides an iterable that efficiently returns all the SemanticsNode s
rooted at the given SemanticsNode . See CachingIterable for details.
compareLists (List <int > ? test , List <int > ? master )
→ Future <ComparisonResult >
Returns a ComparisonResult to describe the pixel differential of the
and master
image bytes provided.
completion (Object ? matcher , [String ? description ])
→ Matcher
Matches a Future that completes successfully with a value that matches
contains (Object ? expected )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher that matches if the match argument contains the expected
containsAll (Iterable expected )
→ Matcher
Matches Iterable s which contain an element matching every value in
in any order, and may contain additional values.
containsAllInOrder (Iterable expected )
→ Matcher
Matches Iterable s which contain an element matching every value in
in the same order, but may contain additional values interleaved
containsOnce (Object ? expected )
→ Matcher
Matches Iterable s where exactly one element matches the expected
value, and all other elements don't match.
containsPair (Object ? key , Object ? valueOrMatcher )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher which matches maps containing the key-value pair
with key
=> valueOrMatcher
containsSemantics ({String ? identifier , String ? label , AttributedString ? attributedLabel , String ? hint , AttributedString ? attributedHint , String ? value , AttributedString ? attributedValue , String ? increasedValue , AttributedString ? attributedIncreasedValue , String ? decreasedValue , AttributedString ? attributedDecreasedValue , String ? tooltip , TextDirection ? textDirection , Rect ? rect , Size ? size , double ? elevation , double ? thickness , int ? platformViewId , int ? maxValueLength , int ? currentValueLength , bool ? hasCheckedState , bool ? isChecked , bool ? isCheckStateMixed , bool ? isSelected , bool ? isButton , bool ? isSlider , bool ? isKeyboardKey , bool ? isLink , bool ? isFocused , bool ? isFocusable , bool ? isTextField , bool ? isReadOnly , bool ? hasEnabledState , bool ? isEnabled , bool ? isInMutuallyExclusiveGroup , bool ? isObscured , bool ? isMultiline , bool ? namesRoute , bool ? scopesRoute , bool ? isHidden , bool ? isImage , bool ? isLiveRegion , bool ? hasToggledState , bool ? isToggled , bool ? hasImplicitScrolling , bool ? hasExpandedState , bool ? isExpanded , bool ? hasTapAction , bool ? hasFocusAction , bool ? hasLongPressAction , bool ? hasScrollLeftAction , bool ? hasScrollRightAction , bool ? hasScrollUpAction , bool ? hasScrollDownAction , bool ? hasIncreaseAction , bool ? hasDecreaseAction , bool ? hasShowOnScreenAction , bool ? hasMoveCursorForwardByCharacterAction , bool ? hasMoveCursorBackwardByCharacterAction , bool ? hasMoveCursorForwardByWordAction , bool ? hasMoveCursorBackwardByWordAction , bool ? hasSetTextAction , bool ? hasSetSelectionAction , bool ? hasCopyAction , bool ? hasCutAction , bool ? hasPasteAction , bool ? hasDidGainAccessibilityFocusAction , bool ? hasDidLoseAccessibilityFocusAction , bool ? hasDismissAction , String ? onTapHint , String ? onLongPressHint , List <CustomSemanticsAction > ? customActions , List <Matcher > ? children })
→ Matcher
Asserts that a SemanticsNode contains the specified information.
containsValue (Object ? value )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher which matches maps containing the given value
Asserts that 2 paths cover the same area by sampling multiple points.
createTestImage ({int width = 1 , int height = 1 , bool cache = true })
→ Future <Image >
Creates an arbitrarily sized image for testing.
doesNotMeetGuideline (AccessibilityGuideline guideline )
→ AsyncMatcher
The inverse matcher of meetsGuideline .
emits (Object ? matcher )
→ StreamMatcher
Returns a StreamMatcher for matcher
emitsAnyOf (Iterable matchers )
→ StreamMatcher
Returns a StreamMatcher that matches the stream if at least one of
emitsError (Object ? matcher )
→ StreamMatcher
Returns a StreamMatcher that matches a single error event that matches
emitsInAnyOrder (Iterable matchers )
→ StreamMatcher
Returns a StreamMatcher that matches the stream if each matcher in
matches, in any order.
emitsInOrder (Iterable matchers )
→ StreamMatcher
Returns a StreamMatcher that matches the stream if each matcher in
matches, one after another.
emitsThrough (Object ? matcher )
→ StreamMatcher
Returns a StreamMatcher that matches any number of events followed by
events that match matcher
enableFlutterDriverExtension ({DataHandler ? handler , bool silenceErrors = false , bool enableTextEntryEmulation = true , List <FinderExtension > ? finders , List <CommandExtension > ? commands })
→ void
Enables Flutter Driver VM service extension.
endsWith (String suffixString )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher that matches if the match argument is a string and
ends with suffixString
enumDecode <K , V > (Map <K , V > enumValues , Object ? source , {K? unknownValue })
→ K
enumDecodeNullable <K , V > (Map <K , V > enumValues , dynamic source , {K? unknownValue })
→ K?
example :
const NIMTeamFieldEnumEnumMap = { FieldEnum.undefined: 'undefined',}
example :
{"fields": "undefined"}
equals (Object ? expected , [int limit = 100 ])
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher that matches if the value is structurally equal to
equalsIgnoringCase (String value )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is a string and
is equal to value
when compared case-insensitively.
equalsIgnoringHashCodes (Object value )
→ Matcher
Asserts that two String s or Iterable<String>
s are equal after
normalizing likely hash codes.
equalsIgnoringWhitespace (String value )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is a string and
is equal to value
, ignoring whitespace.
escape (String str )
→ String
Returns str
with all whitespace characters represented as their escape
everyElement (Object ? valueOrMatcher )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher which matches Iterable s in which all elements
match the given valueOrMatcher
expect (dynamic actual , dynamic matcher , {String ? reason , dynamic skip })
→ void
Assert that actual
matches matcher
expectAsync (Function callback , {int count = 1 , int max = 0 , String ? id , String ? reason })
→ Function
This function is deprecated because it doesn't work well with strong mode.
Use expectAsync0 , expectAsync1 ,
expectAsync2 , expectAsync3 , expectAsync4 , expectAsync5 , or
expectAsync6 instead.
expectAsync0 <T > (T callback (), {int count = 1 , int max = 0 , String ? id , String ? reason })
→ Func0 <T >
Informs the framework that the given callback
of arity 0 is expected to be
called count
number of times (by default 1).
expectAsync1 <T , A > (T callback (A ), {int count = 1 , int max = 0 , String ? id , String ? reason })
→ Func1 <T , A >
Informs the framework that the given callback
of arity 1 is expected to be
called count
number of times (by default 1).
expectAsync2 <T , A , B > (T callback (A , B ), {int count = 1 , int max = 0 , String ? id , String ? reason })
→ Func2 <T , A , B >
Informs the framework that the given callback
of arity 2 is expected to be
called count
number of times (by default 1).
expectAsync3 <T , A , B , C > (T callback (A , B , C ), {int count = 1 , int max = 0 , String ? id , String ? reason })
→ Func3 <T , A , B , C >
Informs the framework that the given callback
of arity 3 is expected to be
called count
number of times (by default 1).
expectAsync4 <T , A , B , C , D > (T callback (A , B , C , D ), {int count = 1 , int max = 0 , String ? id , String ? reason })
→ Func4 <T , A , B , C , D >
Informs the framework that the given callback
of arity 4 is expected to be
called count
number of times (by default 1).
expectAsync5 <T , A , B , C , D , E > (T callback (A , B , C , D , E ), {int count = 1 , int max = 0 , String ? id , String ? reason })
→ Func5 <T , A , B , C , D , E >
Informs the framework that the given callback
of arity 5 is expected to be
called count
number of times (by default 1).
expectAsync6 <T , A , B , C , D , E , F > (T callback (A , B , C , D , E , F ), {int count = 1 , int max = 0 , String ? id , String ? reason })
→ Func6 <T , A , B , C , D , E , F >
Informs the framework that the given callback
of arity 6 is expected to be
called count
number of times (by default 1).
expectAsyncUntil0 <T > (T callback (), bool isDone (), {String ? id , String ? reason })
→ Func0 <T >
Informs the framework that the given callback
of arity 0 is expected to be
called until isDone
returns true.
expectAsyncUntil1 <T , A > (T callback (A ), bool isDone (), {String ? id , String ? reason })
→ Func1 <T , A >
Informs the framework that the given callback
of arity 1 is expected to be
called until isDone
returns true.
expectAsyncUntil2 <T , A , B > (T callback (A , B ), bool isDone (), {String ? id , String ? reason })
→ Func2 <T , A , B >
Informs the framework that the given callback
of arity 2 is expected to be
called until isDone
returns true.
expectAsyncUntil3 <T , A , B , C > (T callback (A , B , C ), bool isDone (), {String ? id , String ? reason })
→ Func3 <T , A , B , C >
Informs the framework that the given callback
of arity 3 is expected to be
called until isDone
returns true.
expectAsyncUntil4 <T , A , B , C , D > (T callback (A , B , C , D ), bool isDone (), {String ? id , String ? reason })
→ Func4 <T , A , B , C , D >
Informs the framework that the given callback
of arity 4 is expected to be
called until isDone
returns true.
expectAsyncUntil5 <T , A , B , C , D , E > (T callback (A , B , C , D , E ), bool isDone (), {String ? id , String ? reason })
→ Func5 <T , A , B , C , D , E >
Informs the framework that the given callback
of arity 5 is expected to be
called until isDone
returns true.
expectAsyncUntil6 <T , A , B , C , D , E , F > (T callback (A , B , C , D , E , F ), bool isDone (), {String ? id , String ? reason })
→ Func6 <T , A , B , C , D , E , F >
Informs the framework that the given callback
of arity 6 is expected to be
called until isDone
returns true.
expectLater (dynamic actual , dynamic matcher , {String ? reason , dynamic skip })
→ Future <void >
Just like expect , but returns a Future that completes when the matcher
has finished matching.
expectSync (dynamic actual , dynamic matcher , {String ? reason })
→ void
Assert that actual
matches matcher
fail (String message )
→ Never
Convenience method for throwing a new TestFailure with the provided
findsAtLeast (int n )
→ Matcher
Asserts that the FinderBase locates at least the given number of candidates.
findsAtLeastNWidgets (int n )
→ Matcher
Asserts that the Finder locates at least a number of widgets in the widget tree.
findsExactly (int n )
→ Matcher
Asserts that the FinderBase locates the specified number of candidates.
findsNWidgets (int n )
→ Matcher
Asserts that the Finder locates the specified number of widgets in the widget tree.
greaterThan (Object value )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is greater
than the given value
greaterThanOrEqualTo (Object value )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is greater
than or equal to the given value
group (Object description , void body (), {dynamic skip , int ? retry })
→ void
Creates a group of tests.
hasLength (Object ? matcher )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher that matches if an object has a length property
that matches matcher
inClosedOpenRange (num low , num high )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is greater
than or equal to a low
and less than high
inExclusiveRange (num low , num high )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is greater
than low
and less than high
inInclusiveRange (num low , num high )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is greater
than or equal to low
and less than or equal to high
inOpenClosedRange (num low , num high )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is greater
than low
and less than or equal to high
isA <T > ()
→ TypeMatcher <T >
Returns a matcher that matches objects with type T
isIn (Object ? expected )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher that matches if the match argument is in
the expected value. This is the converse of contains .
isInstanceOf <T > ()
→ TypeMatcher <T >
A matcher that compares the type of the actual value to the type argument T.
isMethodCall (String name , {required dynamic arguments })
→ Matcher
A matcher for MethodCall s, asserting that it has the specified
method name
and arguments
isNot (Object ? valueOrMatcher )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher that inverts valueOrMatcher
to its logical negation.
isPathThat ({Iterable <Offset > includes = const <Offset>[] , Iterable <Offset > excludes = const <Offset>[] })
→ Matcher
Matches a Path that contains (as defined by Path.contains ) the given
points and does not contain the given excludes
isSameColorAs (Color color , {double threshold = colorEpsilon })
→ Matcher
Asserts that the object represents the same color as color
when used to paint.
isSameColorSwatchAs <T > (ColorSwatch <T > color , {double threshold = colorEpsilon })
→ Matcher
Asserts that the object represents the same color swatch as color
used to paint.
lessThan (Object value )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is less
than the given value
lessThanOrEqualTo (Object value )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is less
than or equal to the given value
markTestSkipped (String message )
→ void
Marks the current test as skipped.
matches (Pattern re )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher that matches if the match argument is a string and
matches the regular expression given by re
matchesGoldenFile (Object key , {int ? version })
→ AsyncMatcher
Asserts that a Finder , Future<ui.Image> , or ui.Image matches the
golden image file identified by key
, with an optional version
matchesReferenceImage (Image image )
→ AsyncMatcher
Asserts that a Finder , Future<ui.Image> , or ui.Image matches a
reference image identified by image
matchesSemantics ({String ? identifier , String ? label , AttributedString ? attributedLabel , String ? hint , AttributedString ? attributedHint , String ? value , AttributedString ? attributedValue , String ? increasedValue , AttributedString ? attributedIncreasedValue , String ? decreasedValue , AttributedString ? attributedDecreasedValue , String ? tooltip , TextDirection ? textDirection , Rect ? rect , Size ? size , double ? elevation , double ? thickness , int ? platformViewId , int ? maxValueLength , int ? currentValueLength , bool hasCheckedState = false , bool isChecked = false , bool isCheckStateMixed = false , bool isSelected = false , bool isButton = false , bool isSlider = false , bool isKeyboardKey = false , bool isLink = false , bool isFocused = false , bool isFocusable = false , bool isTextField = false , bool isReadOnly = false , bool hasEnabledState = false , bool isEnabled = false , bool isInMutuallyExclusiveGroup = false , bool isObscured = false , bool isMultiline = false , bool namesRoute = false , bool scopesRoute = false , bool isHidden = false , bool isImage = false , bool isLiveRegion = false , bool hasToggledState = false , bool isToggled = false , bool hasImplicitScrolling = false , bool hasExpandedState = false , bool isExpanded = false , bool hasTapAction = false , bool hasFocusAction = false , bool hasLongPressAction = false , bool hasScrollLeftAction = false , bool hasScrollRightAction = false , bool hasScrollUpAction = false , bool hasScrollDownAction = false , bool hasIncreaseAction = false , bool hasDecreaseAction = false , bool hasShowOnScreenAction = false , bool hasMoveCursorForwardByCharacterAction = false , bool hasMoveCursorBackwardByCharacterAction = false , bool hasMoveCursorForwardByWordAction = false , bool hasMoveCursorBackwardByWordAction = false , bool hasSetTextAction = false , bool hasSetSelectionAction = false , bool hasCopyAction = false , bool hasCutAction = false , bool hasPasteAction = false , bool hasDidGainAccessibilityFocusAction = false , bool hasDidLoseAccessibilityFocusAction = false , bool hasDismissAction = false , String ? onTapHint , String ? onLongPressHint , List <CustomSemanticsAction > ? customActions , List <Matcher > ? children })
→ Matcher
Asserts that a SemanticsNode contains the specified information.
matrix3MoreOrLessEquals (Matrix3 value , {double epsilon = precisionErrorTolerance })
→ Matcher
Asserts that two Matrix3
s are equal, within some tolerated error.
matrixMoreOrLessEquals (Matrix4 value , {double epsilon = precisionErrorTolerance })
→ Matcher
Asserts that two Matrix4 s are equal, within some tolerated error.
mayEmit (Object ? matcher )
→ StreamMatcher
Returns a StreamMatcher that allows (but doesn't require) matcher
match the stream.
mayEmitMultiple (Object ? matcher )
→ StreamMatcher
Returns a StreamMatcher that matches any number of events that match
meetsGuideline (AccessibilityGuideline guideline )
→ AsyncMatcher
Asserts that the currently rendered widget meets the provided accessibility
moreOrLessEquals (double value , {double epsilon = precisionErrorTolerance })
→ Matcher
Asserts that two double s are equal, within some tolerated error.
neverEmits (Object ? matcher )
→ StreamMatcher
Returns a StreamMatcher that matches a stream that never matches
nonconst <T > (T t )
→ T
This function can be used to call a const constructor in such a way as to
create a new instance rather than creating the common const instance.
offsetMoreOrLessEquals (Offset value , {double epsilon = precisionErrorTolerance })
→ Matcher
Asserts that two Offset s are equal, within some tolerated error.
orderedEquals (Iterable expected )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher which matches Iterable s that have the same
length and the same elements as expected
, in the same order.
paintsExactlyCountTimes (Symbol methodName , int count )
→ Matcher
Matches objects or functions that draw methodName
exactly count
of times.
pairwiseCompare <S , T > (Iterable <S > expected , bool comparator (S , T ), String description )
→ Matcher
A pairwise matcher for Iterable s.
predicate <T > (bool f (T ), [String description = 'satisfies function' ])
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher that uses an arbitrary function that returns whether the
value is considered a match.
printOnFailure (String message )
→ void
Prints message
if and when the current test fails.
prints (Object ? matcher )
→ Matcher
Matches a Function that prints text that matches matcher
pumpEventQueue ({int times = 20 })
→ Future
Returns a Future that completes after the event loop has run the given
number of times
(20 by default).
rectMoreOrLessEquals (Rect value , {double epsilon = precisionErrorTolerance })
→ Matcher
Asserts that two Rect s are equal, within some tolerated error.
registerException (Object error , [StackTrace stackTrace = StackTrace.empty ])
→ void
Registers an exception that was caught for the current test.
rendersOnPhysicalModel ({BoxShape ? shape , BorderRadius ? borderRadius , double ? elevation })
→ Matcher
Asserts that a Finder locates a single object whose root RenderObject
is a RenderPhysicalModel or a RenderPhysicalShape .
rendersOnPhysicalShape ({required ShapeBorder shape , double ? elevation })
→ Matcher
Asserts that a Finder locates a single object whose root RenderObject
is RenderPhysicalShape that uses a ShapeBorderClipper that clips to
as its clipper.
If elevation
is non null asserts that RenderPhysicalShape.elevation
equal to elevation
reportExpectCall (StackTrace stack , List <DiagnosticsNode > information )
→ int
Report call site for expect()
call. Returns the number of frames that
should be elided if a stack were to be modified to hide the expect call, or
zero if no such call was found.
same (Object ? expected )
→ Matcher
Returns a matches that matches if the value is the same instance
as expected
, using identical .
setUp (dynamic body () )
→ void
Registers a function to be run before tests.
setUpAll (dynamic body () )
→ void
Registers a function to be run once before all tests.
simulateKeyDownEvent (LogicalKeyboardKey key , {String ? platform , PhysicalKeyboardKey ? physicalKey , String ? character })
→ Future <bool >
Simulates sending a hardware key down event through the system channel.
simulateKeyRepeatEvent (LogicalKeyboardKey key , {String ? platform , PhysicalKeyboardKey ? physicalKey , String ? character })
→ Future <bool >
Simulates sending a hardware key repeat event through the system channel.
simulateKeyUpEvent (LogicalKeyboardKey key , {String ? platform , PhysicalKeyboardKey ? physicalKey })
→ Future <bool >
Simulates sending a hardware key up event through the system channel.
spawnHybridCode (String dartCode , {Object ? message , bool stayAlive = false })
→ StreamChannel
Spawns a VM isolate that runs the given dartCode
, which is loaded as the
contents of a Dart library.
spawnHybridUri (Object uri , {Object ? message , bool stayAlive = false })
→ StreamChannel
Spawns a VM isolate for the given uri
, which may be a Uri or a String .
startsWith (String prefixString )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher that matches if the match argument is a string and
starts with prefixString
stringContainsInOrder (List <String > substrings )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher that matches if the match argument is a string and
contains a given list of substrings
in relative order.
tearDown (dynamic body () )
→ void
Registers a function to be run after tests.
tearDownAll (dynamic body () )
→ void
Registers a function to be run once after all tests.
test (Object description , dynamic body (), {String ? testOn , Timeout ? timeout , dynamic skip , dynamic tags , Map <String , dynamic > ? onPlatform , int ? retry })
→ void
Creates a new test case with the given description (converted to a string)
and body.
testWidgets (String description , WidgetTesterCallback callback , {bool ? skip , Timeout ? timeout , bool semanticsEnabled = true , TestVariant <Object ? > variant = const DefaultTestVariant() , dynamic tags , int ? retry , LeakTesting? experimentalLeakTesting })
→ void
Runs the callback
inside the Flutter test environment.
throwsA (Object ? matcher )
→ Matcher
This can be used to match three kinds of objects:
unorderedEquals (Iterable expected )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher which matches Iterable s that have the same length and
the same elements as expected
, but not necessarily in the same order.
unorderedMatches (Iterable expected )
→ Matcher
Returns a matcher which matches Iterable s whose elements match the
matchers in expected
, but not necessarily in the same order.
within <T > ({required num distance , required T from , DistanceFunction <T > ? distanceFunction })
→ Matcher
Asserts that two values are within a certain distance from each other.
wrapMatcher (Object ? valueOrMatcher )
→ Matcher
Takes an argument and returns an equivalent Matcher .
= Future <ByteData ? > ? Function(String channel , MessageHandler ? handler , ByteData ? message )
A function which takes the name of the method channel, it's handler,
platform message and asynchronously returns an encoded response.
= num Function(Never a , Never b )
The type of a union of instances of DistanceFunction<T> for various types
AsyncValueGetterWithParams <T >
= Future <T > Function(List <Map > )
= Command Function(Map <String , String > params )
Signature for functions that deserialize a JSON map to a command object.
= Future <Result ? > Function(Command c )
Signature for functions that handle a command and return a result.
= Future <String > Function(String ? message )
Signature for the handler passed to enableFlutterDriverExtension .
= String Function(Plurality plurality )
Signature for FinderBase.describeMatch .
DistanceFunction <T >
= num Function(T a , T b )
Computes the distance between two values.
= bool Function(Element element )
Signature for CommonFinders.byElementPredicate .
= String Function(Object ? actual , Matcher matcher , String ? reason , Map matchState , bool verbose )
The type used for functions that can be used to build up error reports
upon failures in expect
= Future <void > Function(PointerEvent event )
Signature for a callback that can dispatch events and returns a future that
completes when the event dispatch is complete.
Func0 <T >
= T Function()
Func1 <T , A >
= T Function([A a ])
Func2 <T , A , B >
= T Function([A a , B b ])
Func3 <T , A , B , C >
= T Function([A a , B b , C c ])
Func4 <T , A , B , C , D >
= T Function([A a , B b , C c , D d ])
Func5 <T , A , B , C , D , E >
= T Function([A a , B b , C c , D d , E e ])
Func6 <T , A , B , C , D , E , F >
= T Function([A a , B b , C c , D d , E e , F f ])
= Future Function(Object ? obj , String method , List <Map > params , Map <Type , Future Function(Map ) > factory )
HawkObjFromMap <T >
= Future <T > Function(Map map )
HawkObjToMap <T >
= Map Function(T obj )
= HitTestResult Function(Offset location )
Signature for callbacks that perform hit-testing at a given location.
= void Function(Object ? arguments )
Typedef for the inline onCancel callback.
= void Function(Object ? arguments , MockStreamHandlerEventSink events )
Typedef for the inline onListen callback.
= bool Function(Symbol methodName , List arguments )
Signature for the PaintPattern.something and PaintPattern.everything
predicate argument.
= ResultBean Function(String method , dynamic result )
= bool Function(SemanticsNode node )
Signature for CommonSemanticsFinders.byPredicate .
= void Function(FlutterErrorDetails details , String testDescription )
Signature for the reportTestException callback.
= bool Function(Widget widget )
Signature for CommonFinders.byWidgetPredicate .
= Future <void > Function(WidgetTester widgetTester )
Signature for callback to testWidgets and benchmarkWidgets .
Exceptions / Errors
An exception thrown when a test assertion fails.