profobuf_models library
- AccountAgeWitness
- AccountAgeWitnessStore
- We use a list not a hash map to save disc space. The hash can be calculated from the payload anyway
- AchTransferAccountPayload
- AckMessage
- AddDataMessage
- AddPersistableNetworkPayloadMessage
- AddressEntry
- AddressEntry_Context
- AddressEntryList
- AdvancedCashAccountPayload
- Alert
- AliPayAccountPayload
- AmazonGiftCardAccountPayload
- ArbitrationDisputeList
- Arbitrator
- ArbitratorTrade
- Attachment
- AustraliaPayidPayload
- AutoConfirmSettings
- AvailabilityResult
- BankAccountPayload
- BizumAccountPayload
- BlockChainExplorer
- BundleOfEnvelopes
- BuyerAsMakerTrade
- BuyerAsTakerTrade
- ByteArray
- CapitualAccountPayload
- CashAppAccountPayload
- CashAtAtmAccountPayload
- CashDepositAccountPayload
- CelPayAccountPayload
- ChaseQuickPayAccountPayload
- ChatMessage
- CloseConnectionMessage
- Contract
- Country
- CountryBasedPaymentAccountPayload
- CryptoCurrency
- CryptoCurrencyAccountPayload
- Currency
- DataAndSeqNrPair
- DecryptedMessageWithPubKey
- DepositRequest
- DepositResponse
- DepositsConfirmedMessage
- Dispute
- Dispute_State
- DisputeClosedMessage
- DisputeOpenedMessage
- DisputeResult
- DisputeResult_Reason
- DisputeResult_SubtractFeeFrom
- DisputeResult_Winner
- DomesticWireTransferAccountPayload
- EncryptedConnection
- EncryptedConnectionList
- F2FAccountPayload
- FasterPaymentsAccountPayload
- FileTransferPart
- Filter
- GetDataResponse
- GetInventoryRequest
- GetInventoryResponse
- GetPeersRequest
- GetPeersResponse
- GetUpdatedDataRequest
- HalCashAccountPayload
- IfscBasedAccountPayload
- IgnoredMailboxMap
- ImpsAccountPayload
- InitMultisigRequest
- InitTradeRequest
- InstantCryptoCurrencyAccountPayload
- InteracETransferAccountPayload
- JapanBankAccountPayload
- MailboxItem
- MailboxMessageList
- MailboxStoragePayload
- MapValue
- MarketAlertFilter
- MediatedPayoutTxPublishedMessage
- MediatedPayoutTxSignatureMessage
- MediationDisputeList
- MediationResultState
- Mediator
- MockMailboxPayload
- MockPayload
- MoneseAccountPayload
- MoneyBeamAccountPayload
- MoneyGramAccountPayload
- NationalBankAccountPayload
- NeftAccountPayload
- NequiAccountPayload
- NetworkEnvelope
- Those are messages sent over wire
- NodeAddress
- Offer
- Offer_State
- OfferAvailabilityRequest
- OfferAvailabilityResponse
- OfferDirection
- OfferPayload
- OKPayAccountPayload
- Deprecated, not used anymore
- OpenOffer
- OpenOffer_State
- PaxumAccountPayload
- PayByMailAccountPayload
- PaymentAccount
- PaymentAccountFilter
- PaymentAccountForm
- PaymentAccountForm_FormId
- PaymentAccountFormField
- PaymentAccountFormField_Component
- PaymentAccountFormField_FieldId
- PaymentAccountList
- PaymentAccountPayload
- PaymentMethod
- PaymentReceivedMessage
- PaymentSentMessage
- PayPalAccountPayload
- PayseraAccountPayload
- PaytmAccountPayload
- Peer
- PeerList
- PerfectMoneyAccountPayload
- PersistableEnvelope
- PersistableNetworkPayload
- Ping
- PixAccountPayload
- Pong
- PopmoneyAccountPayload
- PreferencesPayload
- PrefixedSealedAndSignedMessage
- PreliminaryGetDataRequest
- PriceAlertFilter
- PrivateNotificationMessage
- PrivateNotificationPayload
- ProcessModel
- PromptPayAccountPayload
- ProtectedMailboxStorageEntry
- ProtectedStorageEntry
- PubKeyRing
- RawTransactionInput
- RefreshOfferMessage
- RefundAgent
- RefundDisputeList
- RefundResultState
- todo
- Region
- RemoveDataMessage
- RemovedPayloadsMap
- RemoveMailboxDataMessage
- RevolutAccountPayload
- RtgsAccountPayload
- SameBankAccountPayload
- SatispayAccountPayload
- SealedAndSigned
- SellerAsMakerTrade
- SellerAsTakerTrade
- SepaAccountPayload
- SepaInstantAccountPayload
- SequenceNumberEntry
- SequenceNumberMap
- SignContractRequest
- SignContractResponse
- SignedOffer
- SignedOfferList
- SignedWitness
- SignedWitness_VerificationMethod
- SignedWitnessStore
- SignOfferRequest
- SignOfferResponse
- SpecificBanksAccountPayload
- StorageEntryWrapper
- StoragePayload
- StrikeAccountPayload
- SupportType
- SwiftAccountPayload
- SwishAccountPayload
- TikkieAccountPayload
- Tradable
- TradableList
- Trade
- Trade_DisputeState
- Trade_PayoutState
- Trade_Phase
- Trade_State
- Trade_TradePeriodState
- TradeCurrency
- TradePeer
- TradeProtocolVersion
- TradeStatistics3
- TradeStatistics3Store
- TraditionalCurrency
- TransferwiseAccountPayload
- TransferwiseUsdAccountPayload
- UpholdAccountPayload
- UpiAccountPayload
- UserPayload
- USPostalMoneyOrderAccountPayload
- VenmoAccountPayload
- VerseAccountPayload
- WeChatPayAccountPayload
- WesternUnionAccountPayload
- XmrAddressEntry
- XmrAddressEntry_Context
- XmrAddressEntryList
- XmrNodeSettings
- ZelleAccountPayload
- BankAccountPayload_Message
- CountryBasedPaymentAccountPayload_Message
- IfscBasedAccountPayload_Message
- NetworkEnvelope_Message
- PaymentAccountPayload_Message
- PersistableEnvelope_Message
- PersistableNetworkPayload_Message
- StorageEntryWrapper_Message
- StoragePayload_Message
- Tradable_Message
- TradeCurrency_Message