takeOffer method

Future<TradeInfo?> takeOffer(
  1. String? offerId,
  2. String? paymentAccountId,
  3. Int64 amount

Takes an offer by providing the offer ID, payment account ID, and amount.

Sends a TakeOfferRequest to take an offer, and if successful, returns the details of the trade. If the client is not connected, a DaemonNotConnectedException is thrown.


final trade = await tradesService.takeOffer('offerId', 'paymentId', amount);
print('Trade ID: ${trade?.tradeId}');


  • A Future containing the TradeInfo if the offer is successfully taken.
  • null if an error occurs.


Future<TradeInfo?> takeOffer(
    String? offerId, String? paymentAccountId, fixnum.Int64 amount) async {
  if (!havenoChannel.isConnected) {
    throw DaemonNotConnectedException();
  try {
    final takeOfferReply = await havenoChannel.tradesClient!.takeOffer(
            offerId: offerId,
            paymentAccountId: paymentAccountId,
            amount: amount));
    return takeOfferReply.trade;
  } on GrpcError catch (e) {
    return null;