editOffer method

Future<void> editOffer({
  1. required String offerId,
  2. double? marketPriceMarginPct,
  3. String? triggerPrice,

Edits an existing offer on the Haveno network.


  • offerId: The ID of the offer to edit.
  • marketPriceMarginPct: Optional new percentage margin for market-based pricing.
  • triggerPrice: Optional new trigger price for the offer.

Throws a DaemonNotConnectedException if the client is not connected to the daemon. Catches GrpcError exceptions and handles them using handleGrpcError.

Note: This method is currently not implemented in the Haveno daemon.


Future<void> editOffer({required String offerId, double? marketPriceMarginPct, String? triggerPrice}) async {
  if (!havenoChannel.isConnected) {
    throw DaemonNotConnectedException();
  try {
    // not implemented at daemon
  } on GrpcError catch (e) {