loadInitialMessages method

Future<List<ChatMessage?>?> loadInitialMessages(
  1. String disputeId


Future<List<ChatMessage?>?> loadInitialMessages(String disputeId) async {
  Dispute? _dispute;
  // Retrieve the tradeId from the mapping
  final tradeId = _disputeToTradeIdMap[disputeId];
  if (tradeId == null) return null;

  // Retrieve the dispute from the _disputes list using the disputeId
  try {
    _dispute = _disputes.firstWhere((d) => d.id == disputeId);
  } catch (e) {
    return null;

    debugPrint("Setting chat messages for dispute: $disputeId with ${_dispute.chatMessage.length} messages");

    // Store the chat messages in _chatMessages for this disputeId
    _chatMessages[disputeId] = _dispute.chatMessage;

    // If a stream controller exists for this disputeId, add the messages to the stream
    if (_chatControllers.containsKey(disputeId)) {
  return null;