connect method

Future<void> connect(
  1. String host,
  2. int port,
  3. String password

Asynchronous method to connect to the Haveno daemon.

Takes host, port, and password as parameters to initialize the connection. If already connected, it will return early.


Future<void> connect(String host, int port, String password) async {
  if (isConnected) {
        "We tried to connect to the Haveno daemon a second time, if you need to reconnect you must disconnect first then run .connect()");
    return; // Already connected, do nothing.

  _host = host;
  _port = port;
  _password = password;

  // Initializing the gRPC channel
  _channel = ClientChannel(
    port: port,
    options: ChannelOptions(
      credentials: const ChannelCredentials.insecure(),
      codecRegistry: CodecRegistry(codecs: const [GzipCodec(), IdentityCodec()]),
      connectionTimeout: const Duration(seconds: 30),
      idleTimeout: const Duration(minutes: 10),

  // Initialize clients for each gRPC service
  await _checkConnection();