HMAbility constructor

const HMAbility({
  1. Key? key,
  2. required Widget body,
  3. required String title,
  4. Widget? floatingActionButton,
  5. List<Widget> actions = const [],

Creates a HarmonyOS Ability.

Replaces Scaffold, has a big SliverAppBar and HarmonyOS background color

HMAbility is an effort to recreate the UI side of HarmonyOS Ability system in flutter, so the logic will be as similar as possible although the names etc. will still be dart-styled. to have a truely realistic HarmonyOS-esque looking app, use this widget.


const HMAbility(
    {Key? key,
    required this.body,
    required this.title,
    this.actions = const []})
    : super(key: key);