
A Flutter package to accept payments with HarborPay.

Getting Started

You will need an account on HarborPay to accept payments if you don't already have one.
Create one here, and get your clientId and clientKey from the preferences screen.

First, add the harbor_pay package to your pubspec dependencies.

Import HarborPay

import 'package:harbor_pay/harbor_pay.dart';

Create a HarborPay object

HPay hp = new HPay(
  clientId: '123456',
  clientKey: '456789765435678',
  currency: 'GHS',
  buttonColors: Colors.black,
  source: 'MyFancyApp',

Process Payment

var paymentResponse = await hp.processPayment(context: context, amount: 1.00, customerNumber: '2330000000');  

// Optional but useful parameter: customerName
// Optional but useful parameter: Map<String, dynamic> extra
// Available values: 'payment_source', ''

Make A Deposit / Top-Up

Requires passing a purpose parameter as deposit in the processPayment() method.

var paymentResponse = await hp.processPayment(context: context, amount: 1.00, customerNumber: '2330000000', purpose: 'deposit');  

// Optional but useful parameter: customerName
// Optional but useful parameter: Map<String, dynamic> extra
// Available values: 'payment_source', ''

Send Money

void doSendMoneyToMultiple() async {
    List<MoneyRecipient> clients = [
      new MoneyRecipient(customerNumber: '2330000000', amount: 1.00),
      new MoneyRecipient(customerNumber: '2330000001', amount: 2.00),
      // Optional but useful parameter: customerName
    ] ;
    var sendMoneyResponse = await hp.sendMoney(context: context, recipients: clients);

Make A Withdrawal

var withdrawMoneyResponse = await hp.withdraw(context: context, amount: 2.00, customerNumber: '2330000000');

// Optional but useful parameter: customerName

paymentResponse from the calls, will contain the following in JSON response:

  "success": true,
  "message": ""

A success value of true means the payment has actually been processed successfully and no further action has to be taken.

