confirmationDialog(BuildContext context, String message, String confirmMessage, String cancelMessage, {Widget? textMessage, AsyncCallback? onPressedDeny, AsyncCallback? onPressedConfirm})
→ Future<bool>
Confirmation dialog
Shows a dialog with cancel and confirm buttons and returns a confirmation bool
deleteConfirmation(BuildContext context, {bool enableSound = true, String? message, Widget? denyMessage, Widget? confirmMessage, Color? denyButtonColor, Color? confirmButtonColor, AsyncCallback? onPressedDeny, AsyncCallback? onPressedConfirm})
→ Future<bool>
Delete confirmation dialog
Shows a dialog with cancel and delete buttons and returns a confirmation bool
notificationDialog(BuildContext buildContext, String title, String message, {Widget? titleMessage, Widget? contentMessage, Widget? closeButtonText, Widget? goToButtonText, Function? onTap, String? path, Color? flashBackgroundColor, Color? closeDialogButtonColor, Color? goToDialogButtonColor})
→ Future<bool>
Notification dialog
Shows a notification dialog with given title and message
showText(BuildContext context, String title, String subtitle, {bool isNotification = false, bool isFlash = true, int seconds = 5, Color? backgroundColor, Widget? leading, Widget? titleMessage, Widget? subtitleMessage, Widget? closeTextDialog, List<Widget>? trailing, Function? onTap})
→ Future<bool>
Information dialog
Shows a flash dialog or a simple dialog with @isFlash = false