HandyDateTime extension

A handy extension for the DateTimes.



copyWith({int? year, int? month, int? day, int? hour, int? minute, int? second, int? millisecond, int? microsecond}) DateTime
Returns a copy of the current DateTime instance. If an optional parameter is set, the new DateTime will have that value.
leftTruncate(TimePrecision precision) DateTime
Returns a new DateTime with it's fields set to their default values starting from the largest time unit up to the smallest time unit.
rightTruncate(TimePrecision precision) DateTime
Returns a new DateTime with it's fields set to their default values starting from the smallest time unit up to the largest time unit.
timeFromLast(TimePrecision precision) Duration
Returns the duration from the last precision
timeTillNext(TimePrecision precision) Duration
Returns the duration till the next precision
truncate({bool year = false, bool month = false, bool day = false, bool hour = false, bool minute = false, bool second = false, bool millisecond = false, bool microsecond = false}) DateTime
Returns a new DateTime with all its fields set to their default value. If a parameter is set to true, it keeps its current value.
value(TimePrecision precision) int
Programmatically returns the value of the given precision.


operator <(DateTime other) bool
Returns true if the current DateTime instance isBefore the other instance and vice versa.
operator <=(DateTime other) bool
Returns true if the current DateTime instance isBefore or isAtSameMomentAs the other instance and vice versa.
operator >(DateTime other) bool
Returns true if the current DateTime instance isAfter the other instance and vice versa.
operator >=(DateTime other) bool
Returns true if the current DateTime instance isAfter or isAtSameMomentAs the other instance and vice versa.