haiva chatbot for web android ios
Getting Started
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
- agent/agent_chat_screen
- agent/chatbubble_agent
- agent/customcomponetnagent
- app_config
- constants
- environment
- fab_main
- flow/chatbubble_flow
- flow/customcomponentflow
- flow/flow_chat_screen
- haiva-flow/chatbubble_haiva
- haiva-flow/customcomponenthaiva
- haiva-flow/customcomponentmobile
- haiva-flow/flow_chat_haiva
- haiva_chat_package
- haivaScreen_pkg
- handler/customcomponent
- main
- model/agent_detail
- model/responsemsg
- model/welcomemessage
- screen/chatscreen
- service/agent_service
- service/audio_service
- service/haivaservice
- service/service
- service/tts
- statemanagement/chatstate
- theme/colortheme
- theme/queryparamlistner
- theme/texttheme
- web_main
- widget/bubble
- widget/chart
- widget/chatbubble
- widget/dropdown
- widget/form
- widget/latexselectable
- widget/radio
- widget/selecthtml
- widget/selectmarkdown
- widget/table
- widget/textfield