AgentConfigs.fromJson constructor

  1. Map<String, dynamic> json


factory AgentConfigs.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
  return AgentConfigs(
    displayName: json['display_name'] ?? '', // Default to empty string if null
    description: json['description'] ?? '',
    image: json['image'], // Nullable field

    fileConfig: json.containsKey('file_config')
        ? FileConfig.fromJson(json['file_config'])
        : null,
    customQuestions: json['custom_questions'] != null
        ? List<dynamic>.from(json['custom_questions'])
        : [], // Default to empty list if not present
    isSpeech2text: json['is_speech2text'] ?? false,
    languages: json['languages'] != null
        ? List<String>.from(json['languages'])
        : [], // Default to empty list if not present
    colors: json['colors'] != null
        ? Map<String, dynamic>.from(json['colors'])
        : {}, // Default to empty map if not present
    voice_code: json['voice_code'] ?? '',