H3C class

Bindings to H3


H3C(DynamicLibrary dynamicLibrary)
The symbols are looked up in dynamicLibrary.
H3C.fromLookup(Pointer<T> lookup<T extends NativeType>(String symbolName))
The symbols are looked up with lookup.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


cellAreaKm2(int h) double
cellAreaM2(int h) double
cellAreaRads2(int h) double
compact(Pointer<Uint64> h3Set, Pointer<Uint64> compactedSet, int numHexes) int
degsToRads(double degrees) double
destroyLinkedPolygon(Pointer<LinkedGeoPolygon> polygon) → void
edgeLengthKm(int res) double
edgeLengthM(int res) double
exactEdgeLengthKm(int edge) double
exactEdgeLengthM(int edge) double
exactEdgeLengthRads(int edge) double
experimentalH3ToLocalIj(int origin, int h3, Pointer<CoordIJ> out) int
experimentalLocalIjToH3(int origin, Pointer<CoordIJ> ij, Pointer<Uint64> out) int
geoToH3(Pointer<GeoCoord> g, int res) int
getDestinationH3IndexFromUnidirectionalEdge(int edge) int
getH3IndexesFromUnidirectionalEdge(int edge, Pointer<Uint64> originDestination) → void
getH3UnidirectionalEdge(int origin, int destination) int
getH3UnidirectionalEdgeBoundary(int edge, Pointer<GeoBoundary> gb) → void
getH3UnidirectionalEdgesFromHexagon(int origin, Pointer<Uint64> edges) → void
getOriginH3IndexFromUnidirectionalEdge(int edge) int
getPentagonIndexes(int res, Pointer<Uint64> out) → void
getRes0Indexes(Pointer<Uint64> out) → void
h3Distance(int origin, int h3) int
h3GetBaseCell(int h) int
h3GetFaces(int h3, Pointer<Int32> out) → void
h3GetResolution(int h) int
h3IndexesAreNeighbors(int origin, int destination) int
h3IsPentagon(int h) int
h3IsResClassIII(int h) int
h3IsValid(int h) int
h3Line(int start, int end, Pointer<Uint64> out) int
h3LineSize(int start, int end) int
h3SetToLinkedGeo(Pointer<Uint64> h3Set, int numHexes, Pointer<LinkedGeoPolygon> out) → void
h3ToCenterChild(int h, int childRes) int
h3ToChildren(int h, int childRes, Pointer<Uint64> children) → void
h3ToGeo(int h3, Pointer<GeoCoord> g) → void
h3ToGeoBoundary(int h3, Pointer<GeoBoundary> gp) → void
h3ToParent(int h, int parentRes) int
h3ToString(int h, Pointer<Int8> str, int sz) → void
h3UnidirectionalEdgeIsValid(int edge) int
hexAreaKm2(int res) double
hexAreaM2(int res) double
hexRange(int origin, int k, Pointer<Uint64> out) int
hexRangeDistances(int origin, int k, Pointer<Uint64> out, Pointer<Int32> distances) int
hexRanges(Pointer<Uint64> h3Set, int length, int k, Pointer<Uint64> out) int
hexRing(int origin, int k, Pointer<Uint64> out) int
kRing(int origin, int k, Pointer<Uint64> out) → void
kRingDistances(int origin, int k, Pointer<Uint64> out, Pointer<Int32> distances) → void
maxFaceCount(int h3) int
maxH3ToChildrenSize(int h, int childRes) int
maxKringSize(int k) int
maxPolyfillSize(Pointer<GeoPolygon> geoPolygon, int res) int
maxUncompactSize(Pointer<Uint64> compactedSet, int numHexes, int res) int
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
numHexagons(int res) int
pentagonIndexCount() int
pointDistKm(Pointer<GeoCoord> a, Pointer<GeoCoord> b) double
pointDistM(Pointer<GeoCoord> a, Pointer<GeoCoord> b) double
pointDistRads(Pointer<GeoCoord> a, Pointer<GeoCoord> b) double
polyfill(Pointer<GeoPolygon> geoPolygon, int res, Pointer<Uint64> out) → void
radsToDegs(double radians) double
res0IndexCount() int
stringToH3(Pointer<Int8> str) int
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
uncompact(Pointer<Uint64> compactedSet, int numHexes, Pointer<Uint64> h3Set, int maxHexes, int res) int


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.