h3ToChildren method

  1. @override
List<BigInt> h3ToChildren(
  1. BigInt h3Index,
  2. int resolution

Get the children/descendents of the given h3Index hexagon at a particular resolution


List<BigInt> h3ToChildren(BigInt h3Index, int resolution) {
  // Bad input in this case can potentially result in high computation volume
  // using the current C algorithm. Validate and return an empty array on failure.
  if (!h3IsValid(h3Index)) {
    return [];
  final h3IndexInt = h3Index.toInt();
  final maxSize = _h3c.maxH3ToChildrenSize(h3IndexInt, resolution);
  return using((arena) {
    final out = arena<Uint64>(maxSize);
    _h3c.h3ToChildren(h3IndexInt, resolution, out);
    final list = out.asTypedList(maxSize).toList();
    return list.where((e) => e != 0).map((e) => e.toBigInt()).toList();