parseFileSync function

Map<String, dynamic> parseFileSync(
  1. File guraFile, {
  2. Map<String, String>? env,

Parses the contents of the given file following the Gura configuration format, synchronously.

Can be given an optional Map<String, String> env named argument containing key/value pairs to inject into the parser's environment variable snapshot for use within the file to be parsed.

Returns a Map<String, dynamic> containing all key/value pairs from the parsed Gura input.


File guraFile = File("foo_bar.ura");
Map<String, dynamic> gura = parseFileSync(guraFile, env: { 'foo': 'bar' });

Note: If a key in the given env Map already exists in the parser's env snapshot, it will be overwritten with the given Map's key/value


Map<String, dynamic> parseFileSync(File guraFile, {Map<String, String>? env}) =>
	parse(guraFile.readAsStringSync(), env: env);