getOlderList method

Future<GetEmailAddressResponse> getOlderList(
  1. int sequence,
  2. int limit

The idea of this function is to get some emails that are older (lower ID) than ‘seq’. How can this be useful? Say we have more than 1 page of emails. Then, we delete some emails from the first page, so we are left with some empty slots at the bottom. Instead of calling fetch_email_list, we call this to be more efficient and get exactly the number of email we need to fill.


Future<GetEmailAddressResponse> getOlderList(
  /// get emails that have a lower id than the sequence
  int sequence,

  /// Integer how many emails to fetch max.
  int limit,
) async {
  final response = await _doRequest(
    call: 'get_older_list',
    queryParameters: {
      'seq': sequence,
      'limit': limit,
  return GetEmailAddressResponse.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body));