insertColumn method

Future<bool> insertColumn(
  1. int column,
  2. Map<String, dynamic> map, {
  3. int fromRow = 1,
  4. int mapTo = 1,
  5. bool appendMissing = false,
  6. bool overwrite = false,

Updates column values with values from map.

Expands current sheet's size if inserting range is out of sheet's bounds.

map - map containing values to insert (not null nor empty)

column - column index to insert values of map to, columns start at index 1 (column A)

fromRow - optional (defaults to 1), row index for the first inserted value, rows start at index 1

mapTo - optional (defaults to 1), index of a column to which keys of the map will be mapped to, columns start at index 1 (column A)

appendMissing - optional (defaults to false), whether keys of map (with its related values) that are not present in a mapTo column should be added

overwrite - optional (defaults to false), whether clear cells of column if map does not contain value for them

Returns Future true in case of success.

Throws GSheetsException.


Future<bool> insertColumn(
  int column,
  Map<String, dynamic> map, {
  int fromRow = 1,
  int mapTo = 1,
  bool appendMissing = false,
  bool overwrite = false,
}) async {
  return insertColumns(
    fromRow: fromRow,
    mapTo: mapTo,
    appendMissing: appendMissing,
    overwrite: overwrite,