appendColumn method

Future<bool> appendColumn(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> map, {
  2. int fromRow = 1,
  3. int mapTo = 1,
  4. bool appendMissing = false,
  5. bool inRange = false,

Appends column with values from map.

Expands current sheet's size if inserting range is out of sheet's bounds.

map - map containing values to insert (not null nor empty)

fromRow - optional (defaults to 1), row index for the first inserted value, rows start at index 1

mapTo - optional (defaults to 1), index of a column to which keys of the map will be mapped to, columns start at index 1 (column A)

appendMissing - optional (defaults to false), whether keys of map (with its related values) that are not present in a mapTo column should be added

inRange - optional (defaults to false), whether map values should be appended to last column in range (respects fromRow) or last column in table

Returns Future true in case of success.

Throws GSheetsException.


Future<bool> appendColumn(
  Map<String, dynamic> map, {
  int fromRow = 1,
  int mapTo = 1,
  bool appendMissing = false,
  bool inRange = false,
}) async {
  return appendColumns(
    fromRow: fromRow,
    mapTo: mapTo,
    appendMissing: appendMissing,
    inRange: inRange,