WebCallOptions constructor

  1. Map<String, String>? metadata,
  2. Duration? timeout,
  3. List<MetadataProvider>? providers,
  4. bool? bypassCorsPreflight,
  5. bool? withCredentials,

Creates a WebCallOptions object.

WebCallOptions can specify static metadata, timeout, metadata providers of CallOptions, bypassCorsPreflight and withCredentials for CORS request.


factory WebCallOptions(
    {Map<String, String>? metadata,
    Duration? timeout,
    List<MetadataProvider>? providers,
    bool? bypassCorsPreflight,
    bool? withCredentials}) {
  return WebCallOptions._(Map.unmodifiable(metadata ?? {}), timeout,
      List.unmodifiable(providers ?? []),
      bypassCorsPreflight: bypassCorsPreflight ?? false,
      withCredentials: withCredentials ?? false);