enterCompanyData static method

Future<void> enterCompanyData(
  1. WidgetTester tester,
  2. List<Company> inputList

enter company data in company dialog screen. when the list only contains a single item it is assumed the detail screen is already shown and need not be created/opened


static Future<void> enterCompanyData(
    WidgetTester tester, List<Company> inputList) async {
  SaveTest test = await PersistFunctions.getTest();

  if (inputList.length == 1) {
    // if single company: main company test
    test = test.copyWith(companies: [test.company!]);
  // if already done return
  if (test.companies.isNotEmpty &&
      test.companies[0].name == inputList[0].name) {

  // create new list with pseudoId from last list from test if not empty
  List<Company> clist = List.of(inputList);
  if (test.companies.isNotEmpty) {
    for (int x = 0; x < test.companies.length; x++) {
      clist[x] = clist[x].copyWith(pseudoId: test.companies[x].pseudoId);

  int seq = test.sequence;
  List<Company> newCompanies = [];
  for (Company c in clist) {
    if (clist.length > 1) {
      // single (main) company no selection
      if (c.pseudoId == null) {
        await CommonTest.tapByKey(tester, 'addNewCompany');
      } else {
        await CommonTest.doNewSearch(tester, searchString: c.pseudoId!);
            CommonTest.getTextField('topHeader').split('#')[1], c.pseudoId);

    await CommonTest.enterText(tester, 'companyName', c.name!);
    if (c.currency != null) {
      await CommonTest.enterDropDown(
          tester, 'currency', c.currency?.description ?? '');
    await CommonTest.enterText(tester, 'telephoneNr', c.telephoneNr ?? '');
    await CommonTest.dragNew(tester, key: 'telephoneNr');

    if (c.email != null && c.email!.isNotEmpty) {
      c = c.copyWith(email: c.email!.replaceFirst('XXX', '${seq++}'));
    await CommonTest.enterText(tester, 'email', c.email ?? '');
    if (c.role == Role.company) {
      await CommonTest.enterText(tester, 'vatPerc', c.vatPerc.toString());
      await CommonTest.enterText(tester, 'salesPerc', c.salesPerc.toString());
    // if required add address and payment
    if (c.address != null) {
      await updateAddress(tester, c.address!);
    } else {
      if (CommonTest.getTextField('addressLabel') !=
          'No postal address yet') {
        await CommonTest.tapByKey(tester, 'deleteAddress');
    if (c.paymentMethod != null) {
      await updatePaymentMethod(tester, c.paymentMethod!);
    } else {
      if (!CommonTest.getTextField('paymentMethodLabel')
          .startsWith('No payment methods yet')) {
        await CommonTest.tapByKey(tester, 'deletePaymentMethod');
    await CommonTest.dragNew(tester, key: 'paymentMethodLabel');
    // add/update company record
    await CommonTest.tapByKey(tester, 'update', seconds: CommonTest.waitTime);
    if (clist.length > 1 && c.pseudoId == null) {
      await CommonTest.doNewSearch(tester, searchString: c.name!);
      var id = CommonTest.getTextField('topHeader').split('#')[1];
      c = c.copyWith(pseudoId: id);
      await CommonTest.tapByKey(tester, 'cancel');
  await PersistFunctions.persistTest(
      test.copyWith(companies: newCompanies, sequence: seq));
  await CommonTest.gotoMainMenu(tester);