combine3<A, B, C, R> static method

CombineLatestStream<dynamic, R> combine3<A, B, C, R>(
  1. Stream<A> streamA,
  2. Stream<B> streamB,
  3. Stream<C> streamC,
  4. R combiner(
    1. A a,
    2. B b,
    3. C c

Constructs a CombineLatestStream from 3 Streams where combiner is used to create a new event of type R, based on the latest events emitted by the provided Streams.


static CombineLatestStream<dynamic, R> combine3<A, B, C, R>(
  Stream<A> streamA,
  Stream<B> streamB,
  Stream<C> streamC,
  R Function(A a, B b, C c) combiner,
) =>
    CombineLatestStream<dynamic, R>(
      (List<dynamic> values) {
        return combiner(
          values[0] as A,
          values[1] as B,
          values[2] as C,