groveList2Hex function

String groveList2Hex(
  1. List<int> values, {
  2. int lineLength = 8,

Hex conversion helpers. Converts a list of integers to a byte string with leading 0x's. Line length can be set as needed.


/// Converts a list of integers to a byte string with leading 0x's.
/// Line length can be set as needed.
String groveList2Hex(List<int> values, {int lineLength = 8}) {
  final sb = StringBuffer();
  var count = 0;
  for (var e in values) {
    var temp = e.toRadixString(16);
    if (temp.length == 1) {
      temp = '0$temp';
    temp = '0x$temp';
    if (count == lineLength - 1) {
      count = 0;
    } else {

  var temp = sb.toString();
  return temp.substring(0, temp.length - 2);